Room change, please?

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I was seething with anger. The others in the room started to get affected by my death aura, except Harry and Hermione, who were looking at me with shock.

"Wha- How did you-" Harry started.

I was beyond mad. This was the whole of gryffindor common room, coming down to have a meeting about the fact that I MIGHT be evil! It was- 

But then I thought of what Will told me when I was about to leave- The mortals live and breathe controversy. Don't listen to them- often, their opinion doesn't count. Well, except for Rachael. But you know what I mean. So don't go 'ghostifying' any mortals, however horrible they may seem. 

I calmed down a bit, and stepped into a small-ish shadow, and shadow travelled to Albus's room.

He had told me his password... now what was it? Some mortal sweet-

"Sherbet Bon-Bons." I said to the griffin. Honestly, it was hilarious. The headmaster isn't supposed to pick a favourite house, and yet, he has a Griffin door. I shook my head, and stepped onto the platform that had appeared. It revealed a winding staircase, which I climbed.

I knock on the door. "Albus?"

I hear a "Come in," and I step inside the door.

He was sitting at his desk, reading something. It looked like a newspaper, but it was very formal, like the ones my mother used to buy Bianca and I when we were little kids in the 1930s. He frowned at the article he was reading, and tossed it in an already crammed bin. 

He looked up. "Yes, Nico?"

I stared into those blue eyes. "Professor, I would like to request a room change."

He looked a little taken aback. "Room change?"


"Any reason you would like to share?" I could feel him trying to pry into my mental barriers. I held them strong.


He frowned, and his glasses slided down to the very edge of his nose. I was very surprised they hadn't fallen off yet. If only I could go up to him and push them back...

"Very well Nico. You may have a room near the Gryffindor entry, so you can follow the other 5th years to your classes." he told me the directions, and explained that his things would already be there. Magic is helpful, isn't it?

I walked back to the gryffindor common room, but instead of stopping at the fat lady, I kept walking, and took at left to the painting of Hestia. I smiled.

"Κῆρ Μάϊος ἀντεισδύνω, ἁνδάνω?" I said to it. It smiled, and swung open, to reveal a very comfortable room. It had a table, comfy chairs, a glistening fireplace, and a king sized 4 poster bed. I was going to mourn my loss of the 4 poster, but now I had one again! And it was huge!

I could see my photos in the exact same places on the wall as they had been in the other room- but something felt different. I felt like- like one of my photos had been copied. But I shook away the feeling, and continued on, re unpacking everything.

Then I cursed and realized I needed to go to class. I ran outside, and just caught sight of a cloak. I ran towards it, and saw it was Harry. I followed them, and since they are terrible at noticing their surroundings, I was not seen. They finally got to their classroom, and sat down. I (thankfully) found a spare seat, and sat down.

I was confused. Where was the teacher? the only thing at the desk (on the desk) was a large, tabby cat, who must have been someone's pet. yet it sat stiffly, with such authority. Also, no one was talking. That only happened occasionally when the teacher was in the room. I started to suspect...

Just then, the cat jumped forward, slowly, and morphed into a very old teacher with glasses and her grey hair tied up into a tight bun. She seemed stern but kind. I could also see her eyes occasionally flicking to Harry, which made me think that she cares about him ALOT. Uh, another Harry admirer. 

Everyone clapped, some looked a little dumbstruck, some looked like they had seen it all before. I clapped politely, but wasn't that amazed. I had seen Frank turn into a dragon. a common household cat wasn't going to amaze me.

She looked a little put off at my reaction, but she hid it quickly.

"Mr Di Angelo, our new exchange student. I suppose  you have seen an animagus before?"

I frowned. "Sort of."

Her eyebrows furrowed at my answer. She looked a little confused. "Sort of?"

I looked up. "Well, he can turn into different animals, unlike an animagus, who can only turn into one."

That got them. They were staring at me (well, more than they were before) in absolute shock. 

"Well, I would enjoy meeting him if I have the chance." Then the professor shook her head slightly, and addressed the whole class. As most of you know, I am professor Mcgonagall, and I will be teaching you transfiguration. 

She explained that today we would be turning suitcases into chairs. I inwardly groaned, thanking the gods Leo wasn't here. he would hold up the whole lesson, asking a million machine-related questions. Actually, I don't think he would do well here. He's not good at accepting magic.

We started, and I did it after half of the lesson, right after Hermione, who was obviously surprised.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now