Sirius' Treacherous Mind -Wolfstar Smut

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Girls were an easy prize for someone as handsome as Sirius Black.

Ordinarily, they come to him; he was irresistible with his lustrous black hair, striking grey eyes, tall and well-built frame and, predominantly, his charm and casual elegance.

Other times, the elder Black approached the girls and yet the result was the same: they would end up clustered inside one of Filch's cupboards, or the Restricted Section of the library, or the corner of Gryffindor's common room, arms thrown about each other and mouths locked, snogging shamelessly.

Despite his natural luck with girls, he wasn't interested in forming any permanent relationship. For him, there was no fun in limiting himself to one girl and cutting ties with others. Freedom was his spring for entertainment, the fundamental idea of the Marauders, and he'd be damned if he allowed it to wane because of one silly commitment.

Sirius Black wasn't prurient, but he doesn't mind the attention he receives at all: to sit on the Gryffindor common room's armchair and have a girl on his lap, or on the couch with his arms strewn over their shoulders, while others writhe and watch with envy did miracles to his ego. Not even the famous James Potter was as popular with girls, much less Lily Evans who he fancies to no end, and Sirius was basking and bragging about the vista.

He liked girls. He really liked girls.

-"Hey, you're stepping on my foot!"- The girl he'd been snogging at the moment complained.

-"Sorry, er-"- Sirius replied, shifting and pulling back slightly. There was one drawback in snogging inside the cupboards: they were most uncomfortable.

Wait, what was her name again?

There was no need for him to remember or apologize to the girl because her mouth was on his again, hard and demanding. Sirius breathed through his nose and closed his eyes as he pressed himself against her form, pushing her against the wall and locking her in place while they kissed.

Gryffindor robes began to fall as the kiss heated, filling the small room with desperate pants and breathless moans. The girl was bold; she had her painted nails digging the skin of his neck, forcing his mouth into hers further as she steadily unfastened his shirt, two buttons at a time. It turned him on, her deftness and nerve, and he gladly invaded her cavity with his tongue, moaning inside when her soft fingers touched the skin of his chest.

He hadn't realized that he was already shirtless, exposing his well-built torso and the bush of chest hair that so many girls swooned over. Whoever this chick was, she was quick too.

He's starting to like this girl. If only he could remember her name...

A yelp of surprise escaped his busy lips when she fisted a hand on the thin hairs of his chest to yank him against her curvaceous body.

Merlin, she's rough too. She's starting to be a treasure. At least he knows she's from Gryffindor. That's something, isn't it? She looked younger than him too. Fourth year?

As she thoroughly fondled his chest with her smooth hands, she kept chafing her upper body against him hysterically, begging for Sirius to undress her. He complied, of course, starting from the Gryffindor cardigan to her blouse until she was only wearing her inner garments. Her bra was a fuchsia shade of pink that easily came off as well, allowing Sirius to cup her breasts in his palms and causing her to shiver and moan lustily in his mouth.

He really liked girls. They were soft and supple...

And hard. Rugged. Flat.


Sirius shook his head, focusing on his affectionate ministrations on the girl's bosom, ultimately causing her to break the kiss. She was moaning louder now, head tossed back and long hair dangling. Sirius' lips had to be occupied though, or they get bored, so he aimed for her neck and started sucking the skin, climbing up to her-

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