Quarreling Loveboys - Drarry

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A/N: Decided to write a Drarry oneshot before focusing on my other stories since it's been awhile last time i posted of them. Supper short but funny

-"I hate you, Malfoy."- Harry snarled, glaring at his boyfriend—ex-boyfriend now. Why couldn't he see, and admit, that Harry was right? Defense Against the Dark Arts was his forte! He was simply the best and Draco refused to admit it. 

-"Don't talk to me ever again, Potter!"- Draco shouted, scribbling on his notebook angrily. He refused to admit that Harry Potter was right for the tenth time in this bloody class. It was ridiculous! There was only so much his pride could handle. He had a dignity to keep!

-"Whatever. I don't want to anyways."

-"You're still doing it, genius."- At this point, anything was allowable to get back at Harry. 

-"Am not. Could be talking to Ron,"- Harry argued, -"Or Hermione. Y'know, my friends."

-"But you're not. You're looking at me."

-"I'm not looking at you. Ew,"- Harry did look, contradicting himself. Honestly, he's such a dimwit sometimes. How in Merlin's pants could he be at the top of this class? -"And how do you know? You're not even looking."

-"Stop. Talking."

-"Don't tell me what to do, Malfoy."

-"Seriously, Potter. Shut your stupid mouth and let me concentrate."

Harry burst into laughter, -"You never concentrate because you're always looking at my—"

Silence was only acquired when the professor, and fellow classmates, shushed them loudly. 

The boys were in their final year of Hogwarts, when students are at their highest level of stress and frustration. Particularly Harry and Draco, who often argue over trivial matters; Harry thought that, believe it or not, Draco was still an arrogant, little prat. Draco, on the other hand, thought Harry was a stupid dungs-for-brains who believes he's the greatest wizard of all Britain. 

In reality, they have many traits in common. 

Their rivalry didn't really concluded when they confessed their attraction for each other. And what a day that was! Harry thought. They were actually arguing that day too, when Draco cried in frustration and kissed Harry in the lips. The debate met its abrupt end and they proceded to snog, ignoring the crowd and catcalls. By then, everyone knew of the sexual tension between the two. 

Before this, their fighting lasted over a week (because of Draco, of course! Harry thought) and Harry was too pissed himself to do anything about it. After the week, they would come back as if nothing had happened. 

Lately, they don't even last ten minutes.

Not five minutes passed when Harry nudged the blonde's arm, -"Hey, Hogsmeade date after class?"

-"Yeah, sure."

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