Dangerous Bet - Flintwood Smut

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A/N: so i finally decided to go with this lol. i can't ask any of you to think as Marcus as the one in the cover picture (credits to UpTheHill again!) or this one (who was supposed to play as Marcus at first, according to some article i read):

It's, i dunno, not my place BUT if you're like me and DONT LIKE THE MARCUS IN THE MOVIE BECAUSE HESFUCKINGUGLYASHELL, go ahead and think of him as you like :) i'm not gonna scold u (personally i visualized him like the above picture) I mean, cmon

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It's, i dunno, not my place BUT if you're like me and DONT LIKE THE MARCUS IN THE MOVIE BECAUSE HESFUCKINGUGLYASHELL, go ahead and think of him as you like :) i'm not gonna scold u (personally i visualized him like the above picture) I mean, cmon...

It's, i dunno, not my place BUT if you're like me and DONT LIKE THE MARCUS IN THE MOVIE BECAUSE HESFUCKINGUGLYASHELL, go ahead and think of him as you like :) i'm not gonna scold u (personally i visualized him like the above picture) I mean, cmon

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ANYWAYS, enjoy!

The occasional winks and lip licking never meant much to him. He never paid much thought to it either, but when he lost the match, apprehension began to build in Oliver Wood's chest.

Stupid bet.

-"Alright,"- Oliver sighed in defeat, dropping his broom, -"What do you want?"

Marcus Flint, Slytherin's Quidditch captain, sneered, -"If you're thinking I'm gonna ask you to do something lame, like dance in public, you're wrong,"- Again, the Slytherin ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Only Oliver saw it and the latter suspected it was meant for him and him alone, -"I got something better in mind."

A shiver broke out across Oliver's spine and he breathed deeply. The worst of ideas came to his mind and all of them included Marcus licking and biting his lips, looking at him under heavy lids with that malicious grin all Slytherin boys seem to have.

He had to accept whatever it was.

It was stupid. He should've declined the bet, but his Gryffindor pride got the better of him; on this sunny day, he decided to practice for the upcoming match against Slytherin but that very same team had beaten them to the site and offered to compete. Oliver agreed because it was better for practicing and because he always enjoyed a good challenge. Then Marcus made a bet, just between them, that whoever won would do whatever was asked for and Oliver, being among his team and Marcus', accepted.

Now, Oliver had a nagging feeling that he will regret it.

-"Meet me in the dungeons at night,"- Marcus said lowly to him, grabbing Oliver by the collar of his robe to emphasize his words, -"And don't you dare to forget or I'll come for you myself."

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