Prefect Duty III - Poliver Fluff

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A/N: or angst lmao. I love to write about these two and i love this serie

-“A… party?”- Percy stammered and cold sweat pooled under his collar, -“At night?”

-“Yes, Percy,”- Said Penelope, hands on her hips, -“And make sure you bring someone. Otherwise, you’re out. We don’t want party poopers.”

-“Excuse me?”- Percy uttered in a dramatic tone, -“I am not a party pooper!”

Penelope shot him a steadfast, doubtful look, -“Honestly, Percy, it’s our night off and that means no Prefect duties. In fact, we won’t even be Prefects.”

-“But that’s logically impossible, Penelope,”- Percy began with an air of pride and Penelope rolled her eyes, -“You see, Dumbledore—"

-“No party poopers, Weasley,”- Penelope repeated, turning away, -“And bring someone!”

Percy stood there moments after the meeting was adjourned. He was expecting news or orders, something big and important, not the news of party night. What was he supposed to do? He must go of course, because he is a Prefect. He didn’t really want to, he thought it was utterly frivolous, but as a Prefect, it’s his sworn duty to go to a Prefect’s party.

And bring someone!

Penelope has asked him to bring someone too. That part made him more stressful than anything else because he couldn’t bring Oliver Wood, his boyfriend. It was simply indecent. Furthermore, he wasn’t exactly the most cultured of students. Maybe he could ask Isabella to come with him? Or June?

-“They’ll easily accept, of course. Everyone wants to assist a Prefect’s party.”- Percy said airily.

-“No, they won’t, because you’re a complete windbag,”- Oliver spat, his arms crossed and his face wrinkled, -“And it’s not a Prefect’s party, Weasley. It’s a common party for you lot.”

-“You’re not making any sense, Wood,”- Percy argued, -“Only Prefect’s are allowed and that means—”

-“You’re not the only ones allowed, genius.”

-“Of course we are.”

-“Penelope told you to bring someone. Not necessarily a Prefect.”

-“Oliver, did you have breakfast today?”- Percy asked, inching closer to his boyfriend, -“You’re in quite the mood.”

-“Oh, now you’ve noticed?”- Oliver said, stepping away from Percy, -“It’s just that my boyfriend comes to me with the fantastic news that there’s going to be a crazy party at the Prefect’s but I’m not invited because he’s ashamed and thinks I’m uncivilized.”

Percy was quiet. Slowly, his eyes widen in realization, -“Oliver, that is not—”

-“Admit it already, Perce,”- Oliver sighed, looking very upset, -“You’re embarrassed to be seen with me in public.”

-“No!”- Percy nearly shouted, but his voice faded at the end in a self-doubting tone, -“Well, I wouldn’t put it like that...”

Oliver laughed bitterly, -“How would you put it then?”

-“It’s merely… indecent. Just a little. The others are expecting me to bring, well…,”- There really was no other way to address it, but Percy wouldn’t admit it,-“…a girl.”

-“Which I’m not, obviously,”- Said Oliver, gesturing to his magnificent body, -“So if you do invite me, it would be embarrassing for you because you and your Prefect friends are—how do I put it?—sniffy.”

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