Dear Moony - Wolfstar Fluff

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#581: Sirius writes a letter to Remus, letting him know he's staying with James for the rest of the summer.

There was constriction in Remus Lupin's chest. Tight. Unbearable. A worry so profound, so deep in the pit of his stomach. Crushing panic. What was going to happen now? What is he going to do? Where is he?

Will he be okay? 

Remus was pacing his little flat, back and forth, his feet thumping against the wood floor and echoing. His arms were wrapped around himself, rubbing off the unusual chillness on his shoulders. He could feel his heart hammering against his sore chest and the force was rendering him slightly breathless.

It didn't help that he was alone. There weren't any comforting words to ease his qualms anymore. There wasn't anything or anyone to reassure him that everything will be alright.

A sudden thud on his window startled Remus out of his musings. There was a tapping sound and Remus looked to find Sirius' exotic owl clicking his peak on the window.

Tears welled in Remus' eyes as he gasped and rushed towards it. He opened the window and allowed the bird in. There was a letter tied to its leg and Remus snatched it quickly. His breath hitched as he read.

Dear Moony,

I'm writing to let you know that I'm staying with James for the rest of the summer. Bloody bastard will drive me bunkers but at least I have a place to lie in. I would've been homeless if that wench had a say in it. Disowning me won't be enough for her anyways.

But enough about me. What I really want to know about is you, Moons. I know you're sick worried about me but I hope this letter helps you. At least a bit. You've always worried too much about others and not for yourself. Angelic of you, really, but sometimes its annoying. I'm fine, by the way. F.i.n.e. Get it in your clever head and calm down that heart.

I know you have a flat of your own, and that you're safe, but you're still alone. You probably don't want to hear it but James and I will be there every full moon, and no, you can't stop us no matter how many times you've spend full moons alone. I personally don't care. Even if James can't go, for whatever stupid reason, I will find a way.

I told you, moonshine. I told you that no matter what, I'll be there for you because I love you like nuts. Nothing and no one will stop me, y'hear?

Anyways, I'll stop by sometime. Won't tell you when, exactly ;) (that's what Muggles call winky face. It's brilliant!)

Until then, take care and DON'T push yourself too much.

Your very handsome and elegant boyfriend,


Remus exhaled in relief, flitting a hand to his chest. He's alright, he thought, Sirius is okay. The werewolf smiled, shedding the tears from before, and waited until the day Sirius will visit him.

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