Shopping For Love - Wolfstar (AU)

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A/N: another wolfstar because this ship needs more fics and i love it. Also, made it to part 10 yay. The will be more to come ofc

The fresh smell of new and clean clothes blew on Remus Lupin's face as he entered Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. It was a wide shop full with a variety of clothes, ranging from the most expensive to the cheapest, which was Remus' budget. He wasn't looking for anything too fancy, just something good enough to impress his date that very same evening.

Remus strolled past aisles brimming with the most luxurious suits he has ever laid eyes on until he reached the area with his type of clothing. Observing and examining the clothes on sale, Remus noticed someone from afar watching his every move. He looked and saw a very handsome man; tall, well-built, with long black hair and intense grey eyes. When he noticed Remus, he turned and continued talking to another man, occasionally looking at Remus' direction.

Just when Remus' curiosity was piqued, both men disappeared. Remus shrugged and resumed his search. He nearly jumped when someone poked his shoulder a few minutes later, however. He whipped around to see the previous men standing there. The one who had been watching him was there too, quite obvious in trying not to stare at Remus for too long.

-"Hey there! I'm James Potter, the manager around here,"- James offered a hand, smiling broadly, -"And you are?"

Remus was mildly stunned. He shook James' hand either way, -"Uh, Remus. Remus Lupin."

-"Pleasure to meet you, Remus,"- James said and gestured at the rows of clothes behind Remus, -"I see you're kind of undecided. I'll leave my friend here in charge of helping you with that. He's really good knowing people. Take care!"- He shot his friend a knowing lopsided smile before walking away―not very far, Remus noticed.

-"But I don't―"- Remus started to say but James was already away from earshot, -"―really need any help."

James' friend arched a brow, trying to hold off a grin, -"You sure? Because you've been walking around here for some time."

Remus smiled. Yes, he might have been searching aimlessly for a new set of clothes but he wasn't in need of help. It didn't mattered, not when the hunk beside him was offering, -"You'd know, wouldn't you?"- Remus quipped.

The man blushed, seemingly flurried for a moment, but then his smirk grew. Like James, he extended a hand, -"Sirius Black."

Remus accepted. Of course he would; sometimes (if not most of the times), he can't control himself when a handsome man stands before him. Much less if the man in question returned the interest, -"Remus Lupin, but you already knew that,"- He said and looked around the rows of clothes, -"So what's this about helping me? Could sure use a professional tip or two. Low budget."

The way Sirius' face brightened told Remus the man had been hoping he'd say that, -"Of course. Just let me take a good look at you."

Remus tried to keep himself steady while Sirius observed him from head to toe. Sirius didn't bothered hiding the fact that he was checking him out. Too bad Remus was wearing one of his old cardigans. If he had known he would be meeting someone so dashing, he would have dressed more elegantly. He may not be the richest boy in London, but Remus John Lupin was still good looking and had style and class. However, it was his nature and way to be that charmed not only other men but women as well. Unfortunately for them, his interest has always been others of the same sex.

Remus was starting to feel warm and light under Sirius' thorough observation. It didn't help that he was nibbling on his bottom lip all the time. There was a bright blush spreading across his cheeks that Remus didn't missed either.

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