When I'm Near You - Deamus Fluff

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A/N: Finally, time for some Deamus! Enjoy! And I'm aware there are a ton of fics that have been writing about how Seamus fucks up in class because Dean is there, but I just HAD to try my hand in it.

Seamus Finnigan had done it again. He had screwed up with the class' potion and now Severus Snape had humiliated him in front of his classmates.

Worst of all, his best friend Dean Thomas was there to witness it all. He had dragged his friend into his disgrace by asking for his help. If only he hadn't such strong feelings for him, maybe the lecture would have been more bearable to experience.

That's right, he loves Dean. And for all his Gryffindor bravado, he doesn't have the courage to confess and end this cycle of embarrassment. Because instead of breaking it off after so many embarrassments, Dean continued to be his best friend and that's what Seamus loved the most of him: Dean was loyal and open-minded.

But it's not his fault that he's always distracted in class! It's normal for blokes to be inattentive when their soulmate is at their side, isn't it? 

-"That bastard has gotten it against us, don't you reckon?"- Dean was saying, but Seamus was lost in his own thoughts, -"Seamus? Are you listening to me?"

Seamus jumped from his trunk, hitting himself in the head, -"What?"- He asked, rubbing the sore spot as he turned to face his friend, -"Um, yeah. Right, you are."

-"Oh yeah?"- Dean scoffed, placing a hand on his hip. He shouldn't have any right at all to do that, Seamus thought. It was, well, distracting, -"Then what did I say?"

-"Er—"- Seamus stammered, scratching the back of his neck, -"That you're a loser?"

-"Har har, very funny,"- He rolled his eyes. Then he sighed and walked closer to where Seamus was, rooted to the spot and trying very hard not to pay attention to how Dean's hips moved as he walked. He really needed to work on his concentration, -"I was talking about Snape. He's got it against us, but mostly you,"- Dean sighed again and he seemed worried, -"Seamus, mate, what's going on with you? You've been... I dunno, distracted lately."

Oh no, Seamus thought, not this again. 

-"M' fine, Dean."- Seamus replied dryly and turned around to his trunk again, aimlessly searching for... nothing, really. Anything to get away from the conversation. It doesn't usually end well.

-"Is there something going on that you're not telling me?"- Dean pried again, -"Something at home?"

Seamus quickly shook his head, -"No. Me house's fine."

-"Then what is it?"

Seamus decided to give Dean an answer. A lie. He was going to hate himself for it, but it'll get Dean off of his case for a while, -"It's just—uh—I can't understand Potions, mate. I can't get it in me head."

-"But it's not just Potions, Seamus,"- Dean argued, -"Divination too. You broke the cup last class."

-"Gases. Don't they make you feel woozy?"

-"Transfiguration?"- Dean ignored him, -"I don't think you'd normally turn rats into teacups."

-"Wasn't that the point, mate?"

-"And don't let me get started on Herbology,"- Dean bemoaned, flitting a hand to his forehead, -"Putting plants in pots can't be that difficult. You've broken more pots than Neville has!"

-"Clumsy hands."

-"Clumsy my arse!"- Dean berated while Seamus thought what a fine arse that was, -"You're distracted and that's that. Something's going on so why won't you tell me?"

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