Sneaky Sirius - Wolfstar Fluff

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Prompt #450: "Sirius Black sneaks into the Prefect's bathroom". Got it from Harry Potter Fanfiction Prompts at tumblr. Check it out!

Sirius Black was curious about the Prefect's bathroom and a curious Black was dangerous.

He has been badgering his Prefect friend, Remus Lupin, for the past week now but the guy was impervious and smart. Too astute for his own good. Sirius treasured it when they plotted mischief, but in these situations, it frustrated him to no end.

And so came his decision to sneak in, unnoticed by Remus' clever arse. He crept across the halls with James invisibility cloak; he had queried the owner to accompany him, but James insisted he needed his sleep to "keep his beauty intact". Windbag.

Sirius Black was quick and quiet on his feet and once he reached the bathroom, he pushed the door open very slowly. He peered, to make sure there was no one, but instead of seeing the place empty, he saw it was indeed occupied.

Whoever it was had his back facing the door and Sirius immediately recognized it; it was scarred and littered with moles and freckles.

Like every instance in which he saw the werewolf, Sirius had the impulse to call out to him, but this time he decided to stay quiet and see what he was up to, so late in the Prefect's bathroom. He slinked inside.

Remus was undressing very slowly and, Sirius noticed, quite painfully. He winced with every small move and his eyes watered. Nibbling on his lips, Remus deftly pulled back the clothing around his shoulder to expose a very red and wide blotch. He prodded it and yelped loudly, his body jerking and his eyes losing focus.

-"Remus!"- Sirius shouted, coming out of the invisibility cloak, -"Don't touch it, dimwit!"

Remus gasped loudly and whirled around, only to trip over with his own robe. It was good that Sirius was there, with his sharp reflexes, to catch him before he met the floor; his face collided with Sirius' chest and his arms hooked around his neck instinctively for support.

-"Th-thanks,"- Said Remus bashfully, after Sirius straightened him up, -"I'm glad you're here, but you shouldn't be. Sirius, what have I told you?"

-"I know, I know, Moony,"- Sirius groaned, -"'Prefect's bathroom is off-limits for students', blah blah blah. You've said it a hundred times now, but if I hadn't come, you'd probably be on the floor. Knocked out."

Remus blushed furiously and shifted awkwardly on his feet. He fidgetted with the collar of his uniform.

-"Why didn't you tell us?"- Sirius demanded, a little too harshly for his liking.

-"I... I was fine. Really,"- Remus spoke lowly, avoiding Sirius' eyes, -"Until I kind of pulled a muscle trying to help some first years..."

-"Your shoulder was dislocated, Moony,"- Sirius reminded him. He was there when it happened and it was horrible. That full-moon was difficult for the Marauders, -"I told you to take it easy with your Prefect bosh, but you never listen."

-"I... I'm sorry,"- Remus apologized, rubbing his arms while looking away still, -"I just... I didn't wanted to worry you..."

Sirius sighed, flitting a hand to his head, -"Why're you such an angel, Moons?"

Remus didn't say anything. He continued to blush and shift, trying to dress up again but hissed loudly and twitched.

-"Stop it,"- Sirius said, -"Just stop it,"- He stormed to the door and closed it, -"Now that we're here and all, let me take care of you. Since you never do it."

-"Sirius, I'm fine. I just need to rest,"- Remus argued, sighing frustratedly, -"Let's go. You're not supposed to be here."

-"It'll be fine, Moonshine. Nobody'll find us. Filch's a stupid oaf,"- Sirius undressed quickly, tossing his clothes to a corner carelessly before Remus could stop him. He stepped into the warm, bubbly water and urged Remus to follow him, -"C'mere, dingbat. I don't reckon that shoulder will heal itself."

Remus' blush deepened as he watched Sirius naked before him, -"Do... do we have to get in there for that?"

-"Why, yes, Prefect Lupin. We do,"- Sirius said, smiling broadly and showing his perfect, white teeth, -"Now come on! Lemme take you off those clothes."

-"I... I can do that on my own, thank you."

But Sirius disagreed. He rushed out of the water to grab Remus by his good arm and haul him all the way to the big tub. He yanked off Remus' robes and then worked on unbuttoning his cardigan with nimble fingers. His pants came off too quickly for Remus' eyes. In a mere second, the werewolf was naked too.

-"S-Sirius!"- Remus nearly shrieked when Sirius pulled him into the foaming water. He fell over his friend and sunk together, with Sirius wrapping his arm around Remus, and eventually re-surfacing to breathe. Sirius was laughing while Remus merely sat, pushing his hair back and blushing more as the water steamed.

-"Blimey, this feels goooood,"- Sirius sighed, throwing himself back to float on the water, -"Should've sneaked in sooner."

-"No, Pads,"- Remus said, hugging himself and looking at the door, -"We shouldn't even be here now. Much less at this hour."

-"Relax, Moons,"- Sirius said, nonchalantly, swimming towards Remus, -"Show me that shoulder, you."

Remus hesitated but conceded Sirius' request eventually. Either way, Sirius would've had his way. He hitched his damaged shoulder slightly to Sirius' eyes, who took a deep breath before leaning in to gently stroke the swollen muscle.

The werewolf exhaled, closing his eyes mildly when he felt Sirius dragging his palm up his neck, stopping to stroke Remus' jaw with his thumb. He hummed to the comforting sensation.

-"You need to take it easy with your Prefect-ness, Moony,"- Sirius murmured, dripping warm water on Remus' shoulder, -"And you need to stop that 'I didn't wanted you to worry' rubbish or I'll worry more."


-"Stop that too,"- Sirius cut in, hitting Remus' chest gently, -"Don't apologize for everything."

-"Alright, mom. Gee,"- Remus chuckled, hitting Sirius back, -"I'll be more careful from now on."

-"That's my adorable Moons,"- Sirius leaned in to kiss Remus' head, -"Let's take care of you, then."

Sirius swam to the edge of the tub to search for his wand and then pointed at Remus' red blotch, muttering the spells he has learned day and night throughout the years at Hogwarts for Remus' well being.

Remus Lupin was eased of his burden, as long as he doesn't push himself too far. He stretched his arms painlessly and was about to thank his friend when Sirius splashed him with water, taking him by utter surprise.

Sirius giggled and splashed again, -"C'mon, Moony. Show this bloke what you've got. Careful, though. I don't want you to undo my hard work."

Remus chuckled, -"If you insist."- He used his better arm to splash Sirius too, and for the next hour, the duo rejoiced like two children.

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