Sex in The Shrieking Shack - Wolfstar Smut

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The wolf sensed the danger even before it revealed itself.

A large spider loomed over the four Marauders like a crescent hill, its numerous, tiny eyes blinking and glowing through the dark surrounding them, and the pincers ticking and echoing.

Peter the rat squeaked and scooted behind the tall and elegant stag, James Potter.

The large black dog growled and rumbled, baring its sharp teeth at the approaching menace and standing protectively before its friends like a guardian. It was Sirius Black and he barked loudly to announce that he will attack should the spider provoke him.

Said spider was undaunted, however, and continued to click its tongs and creeping towards the party on its eight hairy legs. It opened its mouth and hissed, spitting a green foaming liquid at the black dog.

Sirius yelped and jumped back when the acidic froth landed on his paw, burning through his black hair and skin. By instinct, he stuck out his tongue to lick the sear and mend the burning but only yapped again when he singed his tongue instead.

That's when the wolf―no, Remus Lupin―stepped forward, raising tall from its previously hunched frame, uncurling his back and stretching his long legs and arms. He stepped over the wailing shape of the black dog and roared at the spider.

Inside, somewhere, in the fully transformed werewolf's body, was Remus and he perceived that Sirius and the others were in danger. Instinct kicked in: protect his friends.

Protect Sirius.

The creature flinched but was too slow to shirk the sharp claws of the wolf as it lunged forward, tackling the spider to the ground by the neck with its teeth, and all the while plunging the talons of each hand on its cumbersome body. Blood streamed from the deep gouges as the spider shrieked and flittered its thin legs. Its pincers snapped and snapped away and only once did it stung Remus, by one of his peaked ears, before dying. It was swift, but surely painful.

Remus detached his teeth from the spider's gullet and lumbered towards the black dog. Even with his mouth dripping blood, Remus bent to lick at Sirius' wound, ignoring the seethe on his tongue.

Sirius drawled appreciatively, nuzzling his snout on Remus' face lovingly before looking up at the spider's bite on his ear. He wined his worry and guilt and his big eyes were glossy as he looked at Remus' yellow pair. This one merely yawned tiredly, stolid.

The stag poked the dog's rear. Sirius snarled and glared at James, who ignored him as he communicated with his head that they should move out, lest they encounter more unpleasant spiders.

They prowled away from the heart of the Forbidden Forest and frolicked around the perimeter until the full-moon began to wane and it was time to part ways: Remus was to return to the Shrieking Shack and wait for Madam Pomfrey.

Remus' body returned to normal but the process was ardous; the stretched bones of the wolf were shrinking back to Remus' size and it left the boy sore and aching. To ease the transformation, he climbed the bed and rolled over his backside, looking up at the wooden ceiling of the shack that was his haven with tear-stained eyes.

Once his body was back to normal, hairless and olive-skinned, Remus laid on the bed to wait for the Matron. He heard the trapdoor creaking open, but thought it unlikely that it was her. It was too early.

Instead of seeing her shape, Remus saw a familiar black dog turning the corner to his little room. He wasn't surprised.

-"Sirius,"- He sighed and sat up, -"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with the others."

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