Lonely in the Hospital Wing - Wolfstar Fluff

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A/N: more fluff yay

It was a cold night in the Hospital Wing for young Remus Lupin and the chill didn't help with the ache in his bones and the sting of his fresh cuts. He craved a hot bath, but Madam Pomfrey advised against it, stating it was too early. Remus didn't vociferated his complaints. He knew better than to argue with the Matron.

He sighed, resting his chin on the palm of his hand as he gazed outside the window where the Gryffindor tower was visible, glowing red and gold. That day had been the Quidditch tournament and Gryffindor had won, a victory after the chain of losses the past two years. James had hosted a party in his own honor for catching the Golden Snitch in time. It explains the lights, of course, and the distant hum of music and cheers.

It was the worst of lucks that last night was the full moon and Remus was unable to assist. Both the match and the party.

He felt lonely. Despite it not being in his nature, Remus wanted to be there at the moment, congratulating James for winning the game, sharing snacks, dancing, chatting and drinking. Have a good time. Not be stranded in a bed with a sprained knee, a broken arm, and gashes that hindered his movements.

He was sad, a little disappointed and upset. None of his friends have visited. Not even his best friend, Sirius Black. They didn't had to, but... they promised. They promised to visit after the match, before the party started. Remus didn't blamed them; James had to participate and host the party, Sirius played too and was probably helping James. Peter, well, he never really enjoyed visiting Remus after a full moon (much less if James wasn't going) and Remus understood.

It was so unfair, Remus thought bitterly, that he wasn't able to see the match (the match, Gryffindor versus Slytherin) because of the wolf. Because of his condition. Because of his curse. It was frustrating; there were so many things Remus wished to do, but couldn't because of the wolf inside him. Try as he might, Remus couldn't be normal and he couldn't have a normal life.

Angry tears stung in the edges of Remus' eyes. He hastily dabbed at them, hearing a commotion outside. Then Madam Pomfrey knocked on his door, opening it slightly to check on her patient, -"Is everything alright, my dear?"

Remus merely nodded, not trusting his voice.

-"Hmm, I could have sworn I heard something,"- She shrugged before waving goodbye at the embedded boy, -"Well then, rest now, dear. Pardon my intrusion."

Remus nodded, looking away until he heard the door snapping to a close. He resumed clearing his eyes of tears, scrapping the palms of his hand over his sockets. A strangled sob escaped his lips and then he yelped when a sudden gasp echoed in the room.

-"Remus!"- It was Sirius, seemingly coming out of thin air. In reality, he was coming out of James' invisibility cloak, -"You've been crying! What's wrong? Who was it?!"

Remus was surprised that Sirius was in his secluded room; he didn't registered any of his questions. Then, a surge of overwhelming happiness and relief washed him, -"You... you came."- He said.

-"Well, pfff, yeah. 'Course I would,"- Sirius shuffled across the floor, dropping something on the small table at Remus' side before turning to the embedded boy, -"I promised, didn't I? And you know I wouldn't ever leave you alone for too long. Sorry I'm a tad bit late, though."- He finished, scratching the nape of his neck and looking down to avoid Remus' eyes.

Remus' sniffed, wiping his arm under his nose, -"S'alright."

-"It's not,"- Sirius insisted, jumping on his feet to sit on Remus' bed. He placed a comforting hand on Remus' belly, -"Trust me, I would've come sooner. I would've ditched the match, but James didn't let me."

Remus shook his head quickly, taking Sirius' hand into his, -"You shan't! Quidditch's important!"

Sirius smiled, -"More than you?"- He tightened his hold on Remus' hand, -"I don't think so, mate. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

-"I'm not—"- Remus scowled, his lips pouting.

Sirius snorted into his other hand, -"Oh gosh, you're so adorable!"- He moved closer to Remus, pinching his red cheeks, -"Why're you so sodding dreamy! I love it when you do that!"

-"S—Sirius!"- Remus yelped, instinctively reaching for Sirius' wrist, but winced as a white pain shoot through his broken arm. It wasn't loud enough to attract the Matron's attention.

Sirius stopped, looking at Remus guiltily and worriedly, -"I'm sorry,"- He apologized, fishing his wand out of his pocket, -"Where does it hurt?"

Remus stared at his friend quizzically, rubbing his damaged arm, -"What're you going to do?"

-"I'm gonna heal you, dummy,"- At Remus' doubtful look, Sirius rolled his eyes, -"What do you think I've been doing all this time? Been learning spells and watching the Matron do all her bosh. Even asked her to tutor me—which, I have to say, she's not very good at."

Remus' eyes widened. He couldn't believe his friend, but the look on Sirius' face was, well, serious and sincere. This was not one of his jokes—surprisingly so, since Sirius lacked a general interest, much less in mundane affairs.

-"Don't believe me, do you?"- Sirius scoffed and pointed at the spot where Remus was rubbing his arm a moment ago, -"Just watch!"

Remus heard Sirius muttering the very spell that the Matron used to mend his bones. A warm surge of magic relieved him of his pain as Sirius hovered his glowing wand over Remus' arm, making him sigh deeply and his eyes to close mildly.

Then he felt Sirius' lips kissing his shoulder, gently brushing the lenght of his arm with his fingers.

-"Better?"- Asked Sirius.

-"Mhum."- Remus hummed, nibbling his lips at the blissful sensation of Sirius' lips on his skin. He grew warm and fuzzy under his collar.

-"Look at you,"- Sirius sniggered, looking up at Remus' blushing face, -"All red and adorable."

-"Sirius, don't you want to be at the party?"- Asked Remus, slightly sheepishly. Of course he didn't wanted his best friend to leave, but he also didn't wanted to keep him away from the festivities he enjoys so much.

-"Naw, not with you here,"- Replied Sirius, settling himself on Remus' bed and snuggling close to him. He was facing Remus, smiling as he looked into his eyes, -"I told you, dummy. You're more important to me. James' a big boy. He can take care of the party on his own."

Remus blushed deeply, -"B—but it's getting late. Shouldn't you—?"

-"I know and that's why I got these,"- Sirius fetched some books and board games from the table at their side. In adittion, he brought one of the bed sheets from their dormitory, streching it over his and Remus' body, -"Brought your favorites books."

Sirius placed them gently on his lap, opening them to the first page. Remus was utterly speechless. There was no other friend like Sirius Black.

-"C'mon, what're we waiting for?"- Sirius nudged Remus' ribs playfully, -"Let's have some fun!"

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