My Best Mate - Starbucks

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A/N: so you've noticed something changed and that's because i decided to write about different ships. So far its been wolfstar, deamus and drarry. i think it's time to try my hand on something different (still slash tho. apparently that's all I'm good at lol) so i went with James/Sirius. Wolfstar is still my otp tho nothing will change that. Also im open to suggestions

Sirius Black never thought it would hurt this much. To see his best mate James Potter with Lily Evans, dancing and singing, preparing for a wedding. It was nearly impossible to believe, that after seven years of inseparable companionship, it was over in one single moment. James Potter told him repetedly that nothing will change, but Sirius knew better.

A lot will change. And he wasn't ready.

-"Sirius, are you alright?"- Remus Lupin, who was at his side drinking idly his cup of beer, asked, -"You seem off, which is really unlike you in these occasions."

Sirius chuckled bitterly. True, he always enjoyed a good party, but somehow, James' bachelor party didn't seemed fun to him. He took a sip of his own drink before replying, -"Yeah, I s'pose. Could say the same about you."

Remus laughed. It was a rare occasion for Remus to assist any party at all, -"Yes, you're quite right. This isn't some lowly, meaningless party, though."

Sirius looked at his furry friend with a hurt expression, a palm on his chest in a dramatic gesture, -"Moony, you wound me. Common room parties were the best."

-"Of course."

They laughed for a while. Talking with Remus always made Sirius feel better, but this abyss he was sinking into was one he couldn't come back from easily.

-"Sirius, it will be different. I can't lie to you, but I can say that you'll always be friends and he will always be there for you whatever the circumstances. Including myself, if my condition will allow it,"- Remus spoke earnestly, placing a compassionate hand on Sirius' shoulder, -"That, I'm certain, won't change."

Sirius cursed the werewolf for his perception and clever furry arse, -"I know that, believe me. It's just...,"- Sirius sighed, looking longingly in James' direction, -"You understand, don't you, Moons?"

Remus sighed too and nodded very slowly, -"Yes, I... I do."- That's what Sirius loved the most of Remus: he understood. He always did.

-"I'm sorry, y'know."- Apologized Sirius again, finally parting his eyes from James to look at Remus with sincerity.

-"Don't be,"- Remus quickly replied, smiling in that angelic way of his, -"It's in the past."

In another life, he though, he would have loved Remus Lupin the way he loves James now. The way James and Lily love each other. Rejecting him had been difficult; it hurt him as much as it hurt Remus. But it had to be done.

Sirius returned to looking at James and drinking another glass. There was nothing else to do but drown his woes in alcohol all night long, until the party reached it's inevitable conclusion.

Remus was kindly helping him to his feet, the angel that he was, when James approached him.

-"Let me take care of this dolt for you, Rem. Go home and rest. You look kinda pale."- He said and Sirius wondered if it was because it was that time of the month or the fact that Remus wasn't such a good drinker like Sirius.

Either way, Sirius felt mildly offended, -"I'm sober enough, thank you very much."- He said, pushing both Remus and James.

-"Sirius, you're—"

-"Not drunk."- Interrupted Sirius. Maybe he was. Just a little. He did drink more than in other parties.

-"He always says that,"- James said dismissively, waving Remus off, -"Just leave him to me."

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