Distracted By You - Deamus Fluff

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A/N: "A character sees someone they admire and are so distracted they fall down stairs and/or run into a wall". Credits to writingprompts365! Check it out on Tumblr! That prompt's so much like deamus i couldn't help myself

Important announcement: at May 28th I'll be undergoing an important pancreatic operation. Meaning that I'll be absent approximately two weeks and that all the stories I want to post will be put on hold. 

Seamus Finnigan was openly known for being quite distracted and, naturally, clumsy. In fact, whenever a colleague greeted him, they watched him carefully in case he tripped or hit the wall (which he had done more often than not). They also hollered "watch out for the table, Seamus!" and often mocked him for his gracelessness. Seamus would pout, red in embarrassment, and continue walking.

What the others did not know was that Dean Thomas was the reason why Seamus was always so bloody distracted. 

Dean was his best friend and Seamus loved him. Adored and idolized him. Dean was just so wicked. So brilliant. He was the best, most wonderful bloke Hogwarts ever had. Dean was brave, loyal, and so chivalrous that he even twisted Seamus' chest, not just the gal's. 

It was only natural for him to fall on his arse whenever Dean flashed him a smile, showing his perfect white teeth, or to eat the ground when he moved in a particularly seductive way. And it was impossible for him to concentrate when they did study sessions together, with Dean's eyes darting through the pages in a pattern that hypnotized Seamus. Then he earned a smack to the head for his lack of attention by Dean's hands. 

-"Oi, Seamus!"- Even his voice was marvelous. But Seamus wasn't dreaming this time, -"Get off your arse already! We've got class!"

Seamus sat up with a startle, yanked his quilts away and bolted straight to the bathroom. He quickly changed into his Gryffindor robes before stepping out, smelling fresh and with his hair neatly combed. Dean wasn't in the dormitory and so he walks out and immediately heard Dean talking to someone else in a high tone. It was Harry and Ron and Dean seemed particularly excited about something; his arms flailed around and he had the biggest, brightest smile that Seamus had ever seen. His eyes were wide, beaming and glistening. Whatever Harry was telling had to be really good and wicked.

He's such a sunshine—

Seamus realized too late that his legs starting moving and he wasn't looking where he was going.

He fell. So ungracefully over the stairs. His body hit the steps harshly as he rolled and rolled until he reached the base. There was silence and gasps. Then laughs. Seamus couldn't see, his robes were thrown over his face.

When the guffaw stopped, a very familiar voice called him, -"Blimey, Seamus!"

Of course it was Dean. He's such a good friend. Such a good man. Such an incredible human being. Such a talented—

-"Are you alright?"- He asked, settling Seamus' robes back to place and helping him to his feet without effort. Oh Merlin, Dean was so strong, -"Did you hit your head or something? I'm sorry I laughed!"

Seamus chuckled, -"It's alright, mate,"- He dusted his robes and tried to stand straight, although his back was slightly sore, -"And, well, I don't think I've got a concosson."

-"Concussion,"- Dean corrected him, snickering. His laugh faded as he smiled again fondly, looking at Seamus and sighing in relief. He took Seamus head and placed a soft, sweet kiss on his cheek, caressing the back of his neck, -"I'm glad you're okay, Seamus."

Seamus, whose face was completely red and hot, was reciprocated the kiss.

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