Prefect Duty II - Poliver Smut

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A/N: Prefect Duty part two, requested by poetic-mess !

Reminder: this is a sequel to Prefect Duty I (obviously lol) AND is linked to A Harmless Prank. Read those first 😉

Also, ive been wanting to write oliver wood/marcus flint but i h8 that guy so I dunno. Let me know if ur interested

ALSO, 20th chapter WOOP

Percy Weasly never thought he would ever take another man on a date. Maybe Penelope or Marjolaine, sure.

But not Oliver Wood, the famed Quidditch captain of Gryffindor.

And he never imagined it would be difficult and very frustrating. Taking a girl out was easy; you give her flowers, take her to dance, sit together to watch the sunset or the Giant Squid by the lake, and if you're lucky, you snog.

But dating a bloke? He couldn't give Oliver flowers or take him to dance and, most certainly, he could not sit idly watching the sunset with him. It was difficult to even hold his bloody hand. Percy did not know what to do or even say. It was truly frustrating.

And then there was another problem.

-"I'm bored."- Oliver complained, using a crumpled piece of paper as a ball, throwing it high in the air or at the walls to catch it.

Oliver Wood was an active man while Percy was desk-bound. What Percy considered entertaining, Oliver didn't found even remotely fun.

Percy sighed for the tenth time in exasperation, running a hand across his curly hair, -"Well, I believe this is entertaining enough."

-"Really?"- Oliver laughed, -"Paperwork is fun for you?"

-"Yes, Oliver Wood,"- Percy replied dryly, -"You'll find it surprising that not everybody is like you."

-"Full name again,"- Oliver said, tossing the ball into the dustbin and standing up from the desk Percy was working on. All this time he had ignored Percy's complains, much to his chagrin, -"I'm sorry, Prefect Percy, for offending your—er—unique tastes."

-"None taken."- Percy replied flatly, eyes bored on the papers beneath him. He had promised Professor Sprout to help her grade some tests, but earlier that day, he told Oliver that they'd go on a date. Percy forgot about it, unfortunately, and now here they were, with Oliver bored and badgering him, and Percy morose and stressed.

-"But seriously,"- Oliver droned, moving behind Percy, -"You need to work on your dating skills."

Percy groaned again, pinching the bridge of his nose, -"For the last time, Oliver, you can't blame me for forgetting. I have a job to do."

-"Yeah, scribbling on papers. So difficult,"- Oliver sang, placing both hands on the rump of Percy's chair and putting weight so that the chair leaned up and Percy was forced to look up at Oliver's charming face, -"The problem's simple, Perce: you're just thinking about yourself."

Percy was blushing; Oliver was just so attractive and his magnificent face was a mere inch away from his, -"I—I... that is not..."

-"And, if you haven't guessed already, it's not about just you anymore,"- Oliver leaned down, brushing his lips against Percy's, -"It's about us."

-"Us...?"- Percy gulped, his mind jumbled by the soft touch of Oliver's lips. 

-"Yes, Prefect,"- Oliver chortled lowly, cupping Percy's face, -"You and me. Me and you. You know, us."

-"Oh, of—of course,"- Percy stammered and gulped again, -"I just... I don't know what to do, w—with you."

-"Well, I know one thing we can do that we'll both enjoy."- Oliver spoke, rather sultrily, and moved to Percy's fore. He was wearing his Quidditch uniform, which was tight and gave Percy the wildest of imaginations, and Oliver shouldered the robe off and hurled it aside.

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