Prefect Duty - Poliver

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Time for Poliver! Requested by poetic-mess

Note: this oneshot is linked with "A Harmless Prank". So its kinda like sequel i guess. You understand xD

-"By Hogwarts policy, you're not allowed to do that!"- Percy Weasly shouted, his ginger hair flaring and sticking out everywhere. His cheeks were hot in frustration. Why did students disobeyed him, a Prefect?

-"I'm a Quidditch captain, Weasly,"- Oliver argued, rolling his eyes, -"That's what I do."

Percy scoffed haughtily, -"There's nothing written about captains scheduling practices anywhere, much less inside Hogwarts."

-"We're just tossing the Quaffle,"- Oliver drawled nonchalantly, leaning back on his chair and resting his legs over the dinning table while spinning the red ball on one finger, -"Get of your high horse and leave a bloke be, Prefect."

Oliver's team snickered. Percy was about to scold them—and Oliver—for speaking to him in such a tone, and for putting his legs on the table (how dare he?), until Dumbledore called for attention. He announced a few notices before the feast began and Percy was forced to return to his seat with the other Prefect. Penelope was there, looking at him curiously. 

-"What?"- Percy snapped. He hadn't meant to. He was just so angry. 

It was all because of that Quidditch Captain, Oliver Wood. Who does he think he is, believing he could do whatever he pleased because he was captain of a frivolous sport?

-"You like him, don't you?"- Penelope asked, unfazed by his fit.

-"W—what?"- Percy stammered, his face even more hotter, -"I do not! He's arrogant, careless, and irritating! He thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he's captain. It's quite ridiculous, don't you think?"

-"Actually,"- Penelope giggled, looking at her partner, -"I think he reminds me of someone I know."

-"You exagerate. I don't believe there is anyone else like that,"- But Penelope kept looking at him, her brows raised, and Percy understood, -"Wait, you mean me?"

She nodded, -"You have a lot of things in common."

-"Oh, really?"- Percy spoke doubtfully, crossing his arms over his chest, -"Like what?"

Percy was interrupted by the apparition of food before him. He quickly dug into the bread, watching Oliver from afar with narrowed, suspicious eyes. The captain might appear to be peacefully eating, but Percy knew that Quaffles would be flying through the air very soon.

As he ate, Percy saw a rapid movement from his periphery and he quickly bolted to his feet, pointed at Oliver and shouted: -"Stop that! As a Prefect, I order you to leave the hall!"

Silence befell the hall entirely. Every student in each table had stopped eating to look at Percy. Then laughter erupted. Loud and echoing; Oliver hadn't thrown anything. He merely moved to grab a piece of pie. Percy hung his head in humiliation and left.

He made a bee-line straight to the Prefect's bathroom, where he contemplated about whether or not he actually liked Oliver. And not as a collegue. Penelope hadn't meant it like that.

She meant more, but Percy couldn't come with a plausible explanation. Not even in his own mind. He couldn't comprehend why his heart fluttered whenever he tought about Oliver and his chestnur hair and brown eyes. Or about his pink lips, his lean, muscular frame...

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