What We Both Need - Drarry Smut

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A/N: i am OBSESSED with Draco in the suit.

It hit Harry like a Bludger that Draco Malfoy was hot. That aside from being an utter jerk, the Slytherin prince had his charm too.

Why was he walking around Hogwarts dressed with a damn tuxedo, enthralling ladies and blokes alike? Who in Merlin's beard does he think he is?

Harry kept the discovery to himself. He didn't want Ron or Hermione or anyone to find out that he was starting to fancy the bloke everyone considered to be his greatest enemy.

Maybe it was just a silly infatuation. It had to be all in his head. The frustration of failing to woo Cho must be getting to him, making him imagine that Draco Malfoy was actually hot.

But then strutting across the hall the boy in question came, with that blasted suit, as if he owned the whole place, and made Harry think that maybe it wasn't so silly. An infatuation? Yes. Silly? Not so much. He was starting to think it was very real and not some kind of joke.

Because there was a certain sexiness to his gait that Harry couldn't gauge. Then there was his blonde hair, slick and neatly combed that Harry wondered how in the heavens could he get his hair to look so good. It was almost shinning

-"Harry? Are you even listening to us?"

The sharp, authoritive voice of Hermione Granger was unmistakable and impossible to miss among the buzzing of students feasting upon their lunch.

-"Huh?"- Harry quickly turned to look at his two friends; he wasn't worried about Ron finding out, he was utterly zonked, but Hermione had a knack for it. More than once she has proven it, -"Er—yes. I do think Draco looks horrible in that suit."

Hermione gave him that look of incredulity that Harry knew so well, -"You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?"

Harry stayed quiet, thinking about another lie to come up with, -"No."- He said finally, having given up.

To his misfortune, she looked over her shoulder, where he was looking at not a moment before. She spotted Draco, taking his seat with his Slytherin collegues. When she returned to Harry, she had that knowing look Harry has been dreading, but he ignored her and continued picking on his food.

There was no doubt that she will approach him soon to broach on the subject. She was persistent enough with homework and the like, but something like this will not escape her and she will not give up until she received answers.

Draco Malfoy stood up abruptly. Harry saw it by his peripheral. He quickly swallowed the chunk of meat in his mouth before standing up too, -"Excuse me."- He said and walked away. To follow Malfoy, of course, because he needed answers too.

Turns out, Draco Malfoy wasn't heading to the Slytherin common room as expected, not that Harry minded (he shuddered just thinking about it). Instead, Draco was walking towards the Room of Requirement again.

Huh. Harry had forgotten all about Draco's secrecy. Funny. But that didn't mattered. Harry was focusing on something else.

Draco managed to elude him again. To his disgrace, the door closed in front of him—the door to the room he has used countless times before refused to open for him now. Their thoughts—or needs—must'n differ. What was Draco needing the most?

What does Harry needed the most?

Thoughts of Draco swirled and swirled in his mind. What Harry needed the most was to find Draco. Answers. Answers as to why he was feeling so damning attracted to the blonde.

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