First Kiss - J. T'aime Smut

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A/N: thers a confusion about Teddy's age but I believe he's like 20 when harry's son (Albus severus (ugh I don't like the name)) enters Hogwarts for his first year. Im gonna go ahead and change that a little bit. Lets just say that Harry and Ginny had their kids right AFTER the battle of Hogwarts AND that Teddy is just one year older than James Sirius :D (the math might be off but im bad at math so bear with me!)

Also, finally some smut after like five oneshots of fluff. ALSO, 30th chapter!

Edward Remus Lupin walked the aisle of the Hogwarts Express, hugging his satchel at his side while weaving through the throng of students, some with colorless robes and others with Gryffindor red, Slytherin green, Ravenclaw blue, and yellow Hufflepuff. He was proud of wearing the latter, like his mother, and tugs at it thoughtlessly to show it off.

His heart gives a sharp throb when he saw Victoire Weasley in the distance, talking to James Potter II, his best friend, garrulously. He felt a wave of jealousy wash him over and he turned away.

-"Teddy!"- James called and Teddy's shoulders hunch. Had to be his blue hair, now turning to jealous green, impossible to miss among so many others, -"We're here!"

With a deep sigh, Teddy was forced to whirl around and walk over to his friend, -"Hey, James,"- He greeted and then looked at Victoire, feeling his cheeks warm and his heart fluttering, -"Hi, Victoire."

-"Good morning, Ted."- She smiled, in an angelic manner. But she always smiles like that. To everyone.

-"So! Ready for this year?"- James piped up, clapping his hands, -"Can't wait to kick arse in Quidditch this year! I'm so going in for Beater!"

Teddy rolled his eyes, -"Uncle told you to focus on your studies this year, remember?"

James pouted, crossing his arms over his chest, -"I can do both."

-"You can try."

-"Well, I will! I'll show you!"

Victoire giggled at the exchange and was about to make a comment when someone called her, -"I have to go now."- She said, waving her hand graciously.

Before she could leave, Teddy spoke up, scratching the side of his neck, -"Um, see you at the Sorting?"

She smiled again and nodded, -"Of course."

A bubbling excitement fluttered in Teddy's belly as he cheered silently, so that Victoire wouldn't listen. His hair changed from green to pink. Then he heard James laughing at his side, patting Teddy on the back.

-"Oh, Teddy. You're hilarious,"- He said and took Teddy's arm to pull him into a compartment, -"C'mon, you lovesick pup. Let's wait for the others."

They took their seats, but Teddy was too excited to stay put. He kept fidgeting around the compartment, bouncing and wriggling, eager and equally nervous to arrive at Hogwarts.

-"So you wanna woo Victoire Weasly,"- James Sirius said teasingly. He had been watching Teddy, -"I gotta say: good luck."

Teddy spun on his heels towards his friend, -"What do you mean?"- He asked, crossly.

-"Well, let's just imagine that you don't have much experience. Know what I mean?"- James said, shrugging, -"I'm not saying you don't, though."

Teddy frowned, but James was right. Even if he was joking, Teddy doesn't have experience in wooing ladies.

Was he joking, really?

-"I... okay, so maybe I don't have much experience,"- Teddy crackled, sitting beside his friend, -"What... what would you advise me to do?"- Teddy has seen James with a lot of girls.

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