Midnight Treat - Deamus Smut

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A/N: i realized i've only written fluffy fics about deamus. time for some smut.

Important! I don't own the cover photo! Credits to Hannah!

It was in the dead of night when Dean woke up to angry huffs and grunts from the neighborly bed. It wasn't Harry; the poor guy suffered from nightmares more often than not, but Dean has heard him enough to recognize that this time... it wasn't him.

It was Seamus.

Dean bolted up and off of his bed in a hurry, worried that something was wrong. With everything that has happened, Dean suspected the worst. What he did not expected, however, was to find his best friend naked with his legs sprawled and scrubbing a very red and erect cock.

-"Shite,"- Seamus cursed, puffing. He didn't stopped jerking, -"Should've shut me mouth more."

This has happened before, more than once. Dean decided to do something about it.

He scrambled over Seamus' bed, closing the curtains with a wave of his wand. After casting Muffliato and making sure the others were asleep, Dean turned to his friend. He began to undress.

-"Wh—what're you doing, mate?"- Seamus asked, but didn't moved an inch from where he laid, sprawled.

-"Helping a brother out."- Replied Dean with a loopsided smile, sliding off his pants.

No more words were exchanged as Dean positioned himself over Seamus. The latter laid back, curiously watching and waiting for his friend's move.

But Dean was taking his time observing his friend: Seamus was red and sweating all over. His stiff, erect prick was bloated with unattended want and need and his sacks were enlarged with unreleased seed. The boy was puffing in frustrarion, scowling after minutes of silence and inactivity, but Dean didn't obliged. Not yet. He wanted to have a bit of fun before getting to the good part.

He decided to tease him first, starting by touching him intimately, grazing his finger over the other's sweaty and hot skin. The tips ran over his mildy hairy chest, pinching and twisting his nipples, causing Seamus to yelp, before coming down to his hips. He teased there by rubbing the knuckles of his hands over the sharp hip-bone. Then lower he traveled to Seamus' legs, which were shaking with anticipation, and palmed his inner thighs openly, eliciting the sweetest of sounds from Seamus' mouth. Dean surprised himself by basking in them. In everything that has so far transpired.

-"Blimey, Dean,"- Seamus huffed again, his hips bucking to force Dean's hands deeper in between his legs, -"Stop teasing me already and... and—"

Dean sniggered, enjoying how frustrated and vulnerable Seamus was under his palm, -"Patience, mate. Don't you know it's the virtue every man should have?"

Seamus grumbled something, but Dean wasn't hearing it. He was focusing on tongue lashing very near Seamus' crotch; his skin, although sweaty, tasted good. As he worked his tongue, Dean pressed his thumbs on Seamus' crevices, where his skin begins to thin around his cock.

Again, Seamus grumbled and bucked his hips, urging Dean to hurry. Whatever he said went to deaf ears as Dean continued to ignore him, rubbing his thumbs and dragging the skin up and down. He lowered his head, inching close to the head of Seamus' dick until his lips brushed the bloated, sensitive skin. The boy cursed through gritted teeth, tossing his head back as his legs jolted to the sensation of the meager touch.

Dean tutted, grinning mischievoisly, -"So sensitive, mate."

-"Sh—shut up,"- Said Seamus, -"Just hurry up and take me in!"

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