With You, Always - Wolfstar Fluff

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A/N: hello! I'm back from surgery and I'm happy to say that I'm well. It still hurts and there's still more weeks for me to fully recover BUT I'm good enough to continue writing.

I've got several stories in drafts here that I want to post: The Life of Remus John Lupin After the War (Wolfstar), My Loyal Servant (Wolfstar), a book about a Harry Potter OC, and an original book. I decided to kick off with a little oneshot revolving around my time in the hospital and how I had my amazing mother 24/7 with me there (only that its Sirius and Remus lol)

It was accident. It wasn't supposed to happen. Not again. Why did it happen? Why them? Why him?

Everything was going so well, so smooth. The place was beautiful, the food was delicious, the music was soft and harmonic. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

Best of all, his date.

Remus Lupin was the sweetest. The most humble, kind and honest guy someone privileged and arrogant like Sirius could ever have. It was a blessing.

Remus changed his life. Changed him.

And now, he was losing him.

-"Please, tell me something,"- Sirius begged, tear stained, taking the doctor's hands into his, -"Anything. I've been waiting for hours..."

The doctor sighed, straightening his glasses while slowly wriggling his hand from Sirius', -"We're still trying to stabilize him, mister Black, but his condition..."

-"Then do it now. Have him operated."

-"I don't believe that's-"

-"It's an emergency, for f-"- Sirius stopped himself, taking a deep breath, -"I'll take care of the money. Just... just do it. Take that off him again."

The doctor gulped, -"We'll do what we can."

A whole day transpired afterwards. Sirius never left the hospital, tired and lethargic, but never stepping one foot outside. He waited. And waited, finished his business with the medical plan and every paperwork regarding money until, finally, he was called.

-"Black,"- The doctor said and there was a small smile on his face, -"He's stabilized. The cyst has been completely removed. You may come in now."

Sirius jumped to his feet and bolted into the room. There was Remus, laying on a bed and half covered by sheets, sleeping. Approaching slowly, Sirius placed his hand on the cold railings and looked down at his beloved. There were tubes going in through his nostrils and a serum probed into his neck, but otherwise, Remus had a peaceful expression. Always.

-"Remus,"- Sirius smiled slightly and his fingers brushed his lover's cheek, -"You're always so calm when I nearly lose my marbles out there,"- The palm of his hand landed on Remus' chest, rising and falling slowly, -"Wake up soon, y'hear? I still haven't finished telling you that anecdote with Reggy."

There was a poke on his shoulder and Sirius looked over his shoulder to see the doctor again, -"We're taking him to a room. You'll be a lot more comfortable there."

Sirius nodded, -"Thank you."

He was led to another floor and into a separate room, simply decorated by a bed, a small TV, nightables and a long chair that served as a second bed. It had a bathroom too. Carefully, Remus was moved from the old bed to the new one, and from there, Sirius continued to wait, watching over his lover.

Another day had gone by uneventful. It was agonizing for Sirius, the waiting. Thoughts in his head continued to made him doubt that he will ever see Remus' smile again. What if he doesn't wake up? What if-?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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