Smut in The Hogwarts Express II - Drarry Smut

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A/N: I tried writing this as smutty and lemony as the first part, but i couldn't (considering what happens after Draco leaves Harry in the train). It came out rather angsty and sad. Much apologies.

Draco Malfoy was watching Harry from afar, who was searching Draco in return, with his beautiful green eyes, through the throngs of students in the Great Hall.

Harry Potter has been spending a considerable amount of time trying to unearth Draco's misdeeds.

In truth, killing Dumbledore was the least of his worries when Harry Potter was creeping and sniffing around Hogwarts for him. Several times his Slytherin colleagues have approached him to announce that the bespectacled boy has been looking for him. Again. It made him feel grandiose every time, even thought he knew the root of the situation was more complex and false than his wishes.

But dreaming does not cost a penny. Neither does fantasizing. Yet, after having ravished the Chosen One on the train a few days ago, mooning seemed unsatisfying. Futile. Now, he wished to corner his crush on a vacant corridor, or lock him inside the Room of Requirement so he could never escape, and have him for himself whenever he pleased.

Voldemort's Chosen One could not afford that, however. He could not afford Harry to discover his task and thwart him. Draco wasn't stupid: Mother and Father's life, along with his no doubt, were in mortal peril if he were to fail. The Dark Lord was merciless.

Truth be told, Draco Malfoy was scared. He didn't want to neutralize Dumbledore, the greatest wizard in all of Britain, and he hadn't meant for the Gryffindor girl to be cursed, or for Ron to be poisoned (he might despise them, but not enough for Draco to consider murder). His sentiment was worthless, because Draco Malfoy did not had a choice.

He felt alone too (because he really had no one) and, more than ever, he wished for Harry's company. Only a ghost was listening and understanding his qualms. It was pathetic, really, but there was no one else. He could not trust anyone. If his scheme were to be uncovered, it would all be over.

It was to his horror when he saw Harry in Slughorn's party after being caught by Filch. Their eyes met for the briefest of moments, and Harry seemed surprised, but Draco knew that the other boy would not be victimized by his lie. He was so close to finding out his secret. Draco was mildly grateful that Severus Snape was there to save him of the trouble, and even after he was pushed roughly against the wall, Draco refused to admit that he was afraid.

That is why, when Harry Potter walked in on him inside the bathroom as he bubblered like a child, Draco tried to mask his anxiety and panic and terror with a witty remark, -"Back for more, Potter?"

His eyes must have betrayed him either way, because Harry was looking from suspicious to remorseful.

-"Why did you do it?"- He asked and Draco noticed that his hand was very dangerously close to his wand.

Draco didn't know what he was referring to. He decided to go with the one he wished for the most, -"Why do you think?"- He scoffed, -"Aren't you supposed to be a genius?"

-"H―hold on,"- Harry stuttered and it was the most adorable thing that Draco has heard, -"What are we talking about?"

-"What do you want to talk about?"- Draco was enjoying this, watching Harry getting red and flustered and confused because of him.

The bubble seemed to burst when Harry snapped, -"You―you're a pervert!"- His otherwise pale countenance was flushed pink as he flailed his arms in frustration―sexual frustration, Draco might add , -"Why did you―what the bloody hell was that for?"- He groused, -"I could sue you for... for doing that, Malfoy!"

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