Dangerous Bet II - Flintwood Smut

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A/N: more credit to UpTheHill for the amazing art!

It's been a few weeks since Marcus and Oliver made the bet that got the latter in "trouble".

Because Marcus Flint is the embodiment of trouble. The kind that you enjoy in the end.

And Oliver was itching for more.

Too bad the two of them were busy, with OWLs coming up and the Quidditch match of the year between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Everybody was thrilled, themselves included. Their own devotions got in the way of structuring their relationship.

It's not like they haven't talked throughout those weeks. They've seen each other often and chatted, mostly about Quidditch. And exams. And studies. Just not about what Oliver wanted, nor how much he wanted to, because Marcus was keen on not letting himself been seen with him in that way. Because Oliver was Gryffindor and he was Slytherin and those two were like water and oil. They don't get along.

Oliver disliked that barrier keeping them apart, but there wasn't much he could do. Even if it was stupid, Marcus had a point. All he could do was wait for the right moment.

He was polishing his broom when Marcus approached him after practice. They were alone and the sun was hiding behind the cliffs, -"Wood."- He said, stepping close to Oliver and nodding at the distance, tense and sweating under his uniform.

-"Thought you'd never ask."- Oliver smirked and mounted his broom. Marcus boarded his, and together, they flew off. They were all over each other before they stumbled to the grass.

Marcus' lips were dominant, possessive, as they lapped, bit and sucked on Oliver's. He was gentle, or trying to, and his body was crushing his lover underneath him. The pressure, the friction, was suffocating but wonderful. Marcus' heat was overwhelming him wholly. Oliver realized he had missed this, had missed having Marcus this close to him.

-"I missed you,"- Marcus uttered between kisses, -"You were close, yet so far..."

Oliver kissed back, locking his arms around Marcus' neck, -"Missed you too, Flint."- He breathed and his legs brushed Marcus' all across the length, while his other leg lifted from the ground to kneed Marcus' stiff middle. The latter took a deep breath before plunging down to kiss Oliver's lips ferociously.

-"Merlin, I'm gonna get back at you for all those days so bad..."

And by "get back at you", Marcus meant wearing him off. Exhausting him by taking his breath, groping him on his most sensitive places, giving him the world's most satisfying of handjobs and fingering his backdoor, stimulating his prostrate. Marcus loved to do that, to spend Oliver completely while watching him sweating, panting and getting red in all places. He had already orgasmed five times. Oliver wondered if he was merely too sensitive or if Marcus had a knack for it.

-"I love watching you squirming like this,"- Marcus sighed, mouthing on Oliver's nipple while his fingers curled and toyed between the walls of his lover's rectum. His other hand was shoved in his own trousers, stroking his cock to Oliver's figure -"I could watch you all day."

Oliver moaned, hitching his body unconsciously when Marcus brushed his prostrate, -"Oh, really?"- He babbled, unable to speak coherently, -"I... I haven't..."

-"Hmm? Did you say something?"- Marcus grinned, pushing his fourth finger in and twisting and lurching his wrist to arouse Oliver further. By now, Oliver's hole was gaping, slick with his continous secretions.

-"I... that you..."- He elicited a sharp moan when Marcus' lips moved from his chest to the erection between his legs, kissing the shaft and licking the head clean of pre-come.

-"What's that?"- Marcus uttered and his breath was hot against the thin skin of Oliver's phallus, -"I didn't hear you."

-"Sod it, sod it...!"- Oliver cursed loudly between moans of pleasure. His body reacted again, shivering violently as he bucked his hips and gripped the grass beneath him tightly, tugging it off.

-"Yeah, babe. Come for me. I wanna see you."- Marcus said lustily, fingering Oliver's hole faster and sucking his penis harshly.

Oliver basked in Marcus encouraging words. He gripped Marcus' head and held on to it as he came for the sixth time, swift and endlessly. His seed gushed out, streaming like a fountain, and Marcus was more than eager to take it all into his mouth. He gulped, slapping his tongue on the roof of his mouth to taste Oliver and humming to it as the latter exhaled and fell back onto the grass, undoubtedly tired.

But Marcus was far from it. More so, he was far from being done with his lover. He kissed him, running his tongue over his red, worn lips. Oliver kissed back, slowly.

-"I'm just getting started, doll."

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