Camping Like a Couple of Muggles - Drarry

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#672 in "Drarry Prompt of the Day": Draco and Harry go camping, muggle style.

-"You two have to sort this rivalry out somehow,"- Hermione droned. Harry stopped listening a while ago. Her voice and know-it-all tone can be annoying sometimes, -"It's getting ridiculous and utterly childish."

-"Uh-huh,"- Harry was still glaring at Draco, who was at the Slytherins table scowling at him too and munching angrily on his meat, -"Draco doesn't know how to properly eat. So much for a pure-blood."

-"I don't reckon he's listening, Hermione."- Said Ron.

-"Ugh, I can see that,"- Hermione groaned and placed both of her hands on each hip as she spoke the next lines loudly, -"It's settled then: I'll arrange for both of you to go camping. Muggle style."

Harry's attention was finally derailed and he looked at his friend with wide eyes, -"Say again?"

-"She said you're going camping with Malfoy,"- Ron repeated, grinning, -"Muggle style."

Harry Potter's laugh echoed across the hall and heads turned in his direction, -"Don't be daft, Hermione,"- He waved her off, returning his attention to Draco, -"I would never go camping with Draco."

-"Wait, how do Muggles camp?"- Ron asked, turning to Hermione quizzically.

-"Well, I only did it once with mother and father and—"

Harry stopped listening again to resume his glaring on Malfoy. Merlin, he's such a git. So hypocrite and arrogant. Snotty jerk. Pampered brat—

-"Pure-blooded freak—"

Seamus groaned from his bed, -"Shite, Harry. We get it. You hate Malfoy! Go to sleep already!"

But Harry kept cursing Malfoy in his head.

Sniveling pig

Some say it was an obsession, but Harry disagrees. Why would he, or anyone, be obsessed with such a snot? It was ridiculous.

It's getting ridiculous, Harry!

Shut up, Hermione.

Nobody knew Draco best. Nobody knew him for what he really was.

Bloody Death Eater fanatic.

Dark magic bigot.

The only moment his mind went quiet was when he fell asleep and even in his dreams Draco was present, as irritating and evil as always.

Next day was a holiday and Ron had invited him, and Hermione, to picnic somewhere in London with Ronald's parents. They brought blankets, food, drinks, and the such for the occasion.

-"Shouldn't he be here by now?"- Ron whispered to Hermione, but Harry heard.

-"What are you two whispering about?"

The answer to his question was given at that moment when there was a crack and Draco Malfoy appeared, with Narcissa Malfoy holding his arm.

-"Here he is, as requested."- She spoke to no one in particular.

-"Mother, what is the meaning of this?"- Draco asked and when his eyes landed on Harry, he glowered, -"Potter."

Harry narrowed his eyes and huffed, -"Malfoy."

-"Oh, that is it! You will sort this out like proper men."- Said Hermione, but Harry wasn't paying much attention.

Not until he heard a familiar crack.

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