A Light to Call Home - Drarry Fluff

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Prompt 397: "Harry and Draco meet in the Hogwarts kitchen during a sleepless night."

Hogwarts at night was a marvelous sight and Harry Potter loved it, hence why he often sneaks out of Gryffindor common room unseen. He was incredibly lucky to possess his father's Invisibility Cloak.

He wasn't exactly hungry, but still Harry made way towards the kitchens. Despite Hogwarts being extremely big, he didn't know where else to go. His naked feet touched the cold floor and he shivered with every step, tightening the cloak around him. 

A nearby thud made the boy jump and stop on his heels. He spun around, wand at the ready, to find that no one was behind him. No Filch or Snape. He sighed in relief and resumed his trek, but still, he was restless after suffering a nightmare about a particular Dark Lord and kept looking over his shoulder every five seconds. He couldn't sleep after that. 

Once he reached the portrait to the kitchen, Harry tickled the pear and entered when the door slid open. It closed behind him silently and Harry discarded the Invisibility Cloak to sit on a comfy armchair, sagging his body and humming to the warmth the fireplace emanated. Tonight was a particular cold night. His toes wriggled and burrowed into the softness of the carpet beneath. Elves were by his feet not a second too long. 

-"What does young sir wish for?"- They asked, with their usual squeaky tone.

-"I'd like a hot chocolate, please. With cream and caramel on top,"- Harry said eagerly, -"And a pumpkin pie."

-"Yessir!"- And off they scurried to prepare Harry's order.

Meanwhile, Harry laid back on the chair, sighing contently while watching the fire dancing before him. He decided to fish his wand out and play with it a bit. The wand jumped out of his hand and the fire roared, however, when the door to the kitchen slid open and loud footsteps echoed inside. 

-"Bring me a hot chocolate, if you will,"- A voice spoke and Harry was too familiar with it, -"And hurry up! My breeches are freezing in here!"

Harry's impulse was to reach for his cloak and hide until it was safe to come out, but it was too late. Draco Malfoy had already seen him.

The blonde boy gasped and his eyes widened, -"Potter."- He said, but it was low. Without his usual jeering tone. Harry thought he sounded scared. Sad. Lonely. His eyes were red, puffed and dark under. Had he been crying? And what was he doing up so late?

-"Malfoy."- Harry said next, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, but he wasn't in the mood to investigate whatever Draco was up to.

-"What brings you here at this hour?"- He asked, trying but failing to sound disdainful as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

-"I could ask you the same thing."- Harry replied evasively. 

-"None of your business, Potter."

-"Likewise, Malfoy."

Harry thought that he would continue to push his buttons, to force him to leave, but instead, Draco sighed and dropped his arms, -"You're in my chair."

-"Can't you conjure up another one?"- Harry retorted, -"I thought you said you were skilled in any type of magic."

-"Sod off,"- Draco spat, -"Whatever. I'm not wasting my time on you."

Harry was surprised again. He watched as Draco sat on the floor, on a far corner, and waited for his hot chocolate to arrive. It wasn't long before the elves returned with their orders and the third year boys ate and drank quietly. Something about Draco sitting on the cold floor, alone, bothered Harry, however, and he couldn't eat peacefully. 

-"Er, Malfoy?"- He spoke, slowly standing from the chair, -"You can have the seat now."- He moved elsewhere, without looking at the blonde.

Draco didn't reply but Harry heard him shuffling to the seat. Then he sighed, -"We're not doing this chair thing right now, Potter, so come here."

Harry was stunned, turning around to see that Draco had made space for him on the chair. The blonde was looking away, pink cheeked and focusing too much on his hot chocolate. Harry cleared his throat and moved slowly. The idea of sitting in the same chair as Malfoy was spooky, but Harry was uncomfortable on his feet or sitting on the floor so he opted to accept Draco's small, but equally big, offer. He took his seat, shifting awkwardly to find a comfortable position, and placing his meal on the arm rest.

To say that it was awkward was an understatement; both boys were quiet and trying very hard not to make any sound or look at each other, and Harry couldn't take it anymore. He spun and offered Draco a piece of his pie, -"Want some?"

Draco finally looked, still red in the face, -"I'd have ordered if I wanted."

-"Oh,"- Harry looked down to his piece, feeling a little disappointed. He had hoped their childish animosity would end at that moment, -"Right."

Then it was quiet again. Harry felt embarrassed for trying and a little mad at Draco, but he wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone and so he returned to his meal.

-"Um,"- Muttered Draco, suddenly, and Harry looked at him, -"If you're not eating it, well... I can take it. Can't let it go to waste, you know." 

Harry smiled, -"Sure."- And he made sure to purposely leave some in the end for Draco. 

They ate quietly, but it wasn't awkward anymore. Soon, they found each other closer, talking and sharing, and Harry learned that the reason for Draco's restless was the same as his. With that in mind, they comforted each other until it was time to part ways. Draco's enmity towards Harry changed after that. 

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