Nightmare - Wolfstar Fluff & Angst

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Prompt #274 in Harry Prompt of the Day: Remus has nightmares during his third year. Sirius reacts.

Back to Wolfstar, my OTP! Credits to the artist for the picture above!

Big, bright moon shining overhead on the starry sky. It was beautiful. Breathtaking. Everything seemed calm. Remus Lupin breathed the clean air, resting the chin of his face on his knee, watching the Great Lake sparkling from the afar and the reflection of the stars as he picked the grass, twirling his fingers on them. This tranquility and normalcy was a dream come true. 

Suddenly, the peace was shattered by a howl. Loud and earsplitting. Remus winced and covered his ears, but still he could hear it. Where was it coming from?

A sharp pain erupted all across Remus' body and he fell to the ground, spasming and convulsing. What was happening to him?

The he realized it was him. The howling was coming from him. 

Then there was blood. Screams. A werewolf chasing innocent people. Students. In Hogwarts. 

James, Sirius, Peter. All dead. 

-"Remus...,"- Sirius garbled, blood trickling out of his mouth, -"How... how could... you....?"


Remus awoke with a startle, sitting up and gasping deeply for air that seemed to escape his lungs. He clutched at his chest to feel his heart erratic. He wiped his eyes, sticky and wet with tears. He coughed, but his throat was dried, his voice hoarse. There was an itch on his body. Irritating. He was trembling but it wasn't even cold. Fear. What if he―?

The curtains to his four-poster bed was yanked open to display a very stricken and worried Sirius Black. He doesn't waste a second before climbing Remus' bed and wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's frame. Remus tried hard not to cry―he didn't want to burden his friend so late―but he couldn't stop the tears from streaming out from his eyes. It always happens; no matter how much he tried not to make any sounds, he's always heard. 

At least by Sirius. 

-"Shhh,"- Sirius whispered, stroking Remus' hair while his other hand caressed his face. His thumb brushed underneath Remus' eye, swabbing away the tears, -"It's over, Moony. It's all over."

Remus sobbed silently, chafing the underside of his palm over his cheek. His eyes were closed. He didn't want Sirius to see how much of a coward he was. How unworthy of the Gryffindor house he was. Of the Marauders. How scared he was of a silly nightmare. 

-"Hey Moons? Look at me,"- Sirius murmured, still stroking gently, -"Please look at me."

Remus pressed his quivering lips together and shook his head slowly, sniffling. 

-"Oh well, you made me do it."- Sirius said with a playful edge to his voice, tightening his hold on Remus' face. 

Remus' eyes shot wide open when he felt something slick and soft on his lips. He gasped and pulled back, touching his lips with the tips of his fingers. Just like that, the flow of his tears stopped. 

Sirius snickered, smile broad and eyes shinning, -"Now that you're looking at me, how about we talk?"

But Remus was speechless. He could still feel the shape of his friend's lips on his.

-"I know what you're thinking. What you've been thinking lately,"- He continued, smiling fondly at Remus and looking straight at his eyes, -"I know, I know. Crazy, right? I do pay attention, just to the important stuff. That means you, Moony."

Now Sirius had Remus' attention. He was important to Sirius, despite of what he is. A werewolf. 

-"You're thinking that you're a poltroon because of this. I know because... I sometimes have nightmares too, but that doesn't mean we're chickens,"- He said and his smile grew to a proud smirk, -"It mean we're the most bravest blokes out there because even when we have nightmares, even when we feel sad, we wake up the next day and move on."

Remus looked down to his hands, calloused and scarred. Sirius was right. 

-"And you, Remus. You're the bravest fella I've ever had the honor and grace of meeting,"- Sirius spoke and his eyes were glistening, his tone laced with profound sincerity and joy. He was making Remus blush, -"I mean, you're here, in Hogwarts, even with your furry little problem. That takes a lot of courage. And even when you're horribly battered every full moon, I see you opening  your beautiful eyes―"- Remus blushed more and uttered Sirius' name, -"―and standing up a day or two later, going to lessons and studying as if you didn't broke an arm or have a big cut across your belly."

-"Sirius, I―"

-"I don't wanna hear it. You're always thinking so little of yourself when you're so grand and brilliant. I want you to see yourself as I do."- Sirius said, his voice low as he took Remus' face into his hands again and leaned in for another sweet kiss. It lasted a bit longer, and this time, Remus returned the gesture. After parting, Sirius exhaled, -"Blimey, I wanted to say and do that for so bloody long."

Remus chuckled and smiled openly. His face was so warm and the happiness that was bubbling in him was making him slightly giddy.

-"That's better,"- Sirius said, looking relieved and satisfied, -"Your smile is perfect, y'know. You should show it off more often."

-"Can I say something now?"

-"Oh, yeah. Go ahead."- Sirius said, scratching his neck. 

-"I just need to you to know that the reason I'm here... is because of you,"- Remus confessed. The walls that usually surround him and prevented him from speaking his mind were down. There was so much to say, -"Because of you, I think about the next day. Because of you, I wake up and stand up, even when my bones hurt. I think about you, and James, and Peter, and for me, the pain is worth it. I don't want to miss even a second of being with you guys. Specially you, Sirius. These nightmares mean nothing when you're here."

-"Oh, you're so bloody adorable!"- Sirius squealed and launched himself over Remus, toppling him down to the bed. He kissed Remus all over; his cheeks, his neck, his chin, forehead, and of course, his lips, -"I love you so friggin' much!"

If all of his nightmares would get a reaction out of Sirius like this, Remus decided that they weren't so bad after all. 

A/N: i live for wolfstar and i would die for wolfstar

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