Clandestine Escapades - Scorbus

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A/N: some Scorbus. Its important for yall to know that i havent read Cursed Child so you may notice a little OOC even though i read about em both

Also, more UpTheHill art!

It was in the dead of night when Albus Severus slunk out of the Slytherin dormitory unnoticed. There was a crumbled piece of paper on his fist, one which he ripped and shredded to pieces before tossing them into the fire. He stared at it, with a deep scowl on his otherwise smooth face, watching the fire eating the vellum. 

It was from his father. 

I want you to stay away from that boy, Albus. 

Albus gritted his teeth and there were tears of frustration brimming his eyes. 

-"Al?"- Someone from upstairs called. Albus didn't heard the door to the dormitory opening and he looked up to see his best friend, Scorpius Malfoy, coming out of it. He was rubbing his half-lidded, sleepy eyes, and his head was a complete and utter mess of blonde hair, sticking at all sides.

Scorpius was who his father warned him about. 

-"I'm here."- Albus replied, fighting the tears from his eyes and the hoarseness off his throat. 

-"Are you alright?"- Scorpius asked, genuinely concerned as he walked down the stairs, -"It smells like something's burning."

-"It's... it's nothing."- Albus replied, fanning away the smell.

-"Did you burn another letter of your dad's?"

Albus stayed quiet, but Scorpius already had his answer. 

-"What did it say this time?"- The blonde boy asked, approaching his friend from behind. He interlaced his fingers with Albus', tugging gently, -"Al?"

-"It doesn't matter,"- Albus sniffed and turned around to face his friend, -"Let's get out of here."

-"But Al, it's―well, late,"- Scorpius debated, -"We can't go out at this hour."

Albus tightened his hold on Scorpius hand, -"I'll bring father's cloak,"- He insisted, jolting their hands, -"Nobody'll find us. I promise."

Scorpius seemed uncertain, but he nodded anyways. The boys retrieved Harry's Invisibility Cloak and sneaked out of the common room for a nightly adventure, feet naked and in their pajamas. They went into the kitchens for snacks and the elves were eager to comply, as always. With Alohomorra, they broke into the Prefect's bathroom to take a hot, bubbly bath. Finally, they climbed the Astronomy Tower to stargaze, laying on the cold floor tightly cuddled to each other to warm themselves up. They prattled on and on about the stars until they grew unavoidably exhausted. 

Their hands were interlaced again and Albus' head was resting on his friend's chest. He felt calm around him. Everything felt better around Scorpius. The letter and anything else regarding his father was long gone from his mind. It was quiet, save for the gentle drumming of Scorpius' heart. 

He was tired, so tired. Living up to the great Harry Potter's name was a difficult mission, a goal that he didn't wanted to achieve but others did. Everyone talked about how he should live his life. Everyone wanted for him to follow his father's footsteps, but no one asked him what he wanted. There was an image of Harry Potter's that everyone wants him to have too. The pressure and weight that came from being the Chosen One's son was impossible to bear alone. 

That's why having Scorpius made it easier. More pleasant. Worthwhile. Scorpius knew exactly how Albus felt. Nobody understood him as much because he too has an image people judged him from, his father's. Draco Malfoy's. The man had been a follower of the Dark Lord once and people thought his son would be the same as him, a bigot of the Dark Arts and a pure-blooded zealot. 

But Albus' father wanted to take all that away from him too. 

-"Al?"- Scorpius poked his cheek and Albus' eyes fluttered open, -"This has been fun and all, but... I think it's time to return."

Albus selfishly shook his head and rolled over his side to hug Scorpius' torso, burrowing his face on his shirt. He started sobbing. He couldn't stop himself. Sometimes, it was just too much. 

-"Oh, Al,"- Scorpius murmured, stroking Albus' hair, -"It's okay. I won't go anywhere."

-"Please..."- Albus sniveled. More than anything in the world, he didn't want Scorpius to leave his side. He couldn't even fathom a world without him in it. Certainly not his world. 

-"I'm here. I'm right here."- He continued to murmur, soothing Albus' woes while stroking his jet-black hair. Then he kissed his forehead and Albus hummed to the sensation. 

In Scorpius Malfoy's comforting arms, Albus Severus fell asleep. 

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