Sorry? - Drarry Fluff

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#582: "Harry apologizes to Draco for Hermione's punch". Short but cute

-"Draco!"- Harry shouted, waving his arm, -"Wait!"

Draco stopped walking and from the distance, Harry saw the boy's shoulders tensing and his fist clenching. His friends, Crabbe and Goyle, stopped at his side, much to Harry's distate.

-"What do you want, Potter?"- Asked Draco, whirling around quickly to glare at Harry. The mark from Hermione's punch was still there, visible to everyone's eyes. Harry winced. 

-"Erm─I'd like to talk to you,"- Harry spoke meekly, fidgeting with the brim of his robe, -"Alone..."

Draco arched an eyebrow, -"I'm not stupid enough to be alone with you for even a second, Potter,"- He reproached, -"Say what you want."

-"Um...,"- Harry gulped. This is not how he imagined this would go, -"I... I want to apologize."

There was silence for a short moment before Draco burst into a fit of laughter, -"Listen to him!"- He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around his belly, -"He wants to apologize!"

They laughed for an embarrassing while and even other students around them started snickering.

-"Uh, he's still there."- Goyle said, pointing at Harry with his stubby finger.

Draco unfurled and straightened up. His eyes widened, -"Merlin, you're serious,"- Then his frown tightened, -"What the bloody hell have you to apologize for? Besides pestering me, that is."

Harry gulped. This is not how he imagined this would go, -"I... I want to apologize for Hermione's punch, from the other day."

There was silence for a moment. Crabbe and Goyle started laughing, and others around them, but Draco's pale face became slightly paler and his expression softened. Then, abruptly, he joined the laughter too but Harry thought it sounded forced, -"He wants to apologize for that mudblood's pathetic punch!"

Profusely embarrassed and equally mad, Harry turned on his heels and left. 

In Gryffindor's common room, Harry secluded himself in the dormitory and tried to find something to distract himself with. He decided to start on Snape's essay and was midway to completing it when Ron walked in, with a piece of paper on his hand. 

-"Uh, some Slytherin git came to leave you this."- He said, walking towards Harry.

-"Who's it from?"- Harry asked, genuinely curious. 

-"Dunno. It doesn't have a name on it."

Harry took it from Ron's hand and opened it. 

Thank you, he read, and were the only words written.

Harry smiled and tucked the paper in his pocket. 

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