How? - Deamus Fluff

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A/N: deamus is so cute like omg

-"Hey, Seamus,"- Dean spoke, abandoning his homework for a moment as his fingers rubbed on his chin, wondering, -"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Seamus shook his head. He was sitting cross legged in front of his best friend, a notebook and Potions textbook on his lap, -"No."- He replied flatly, scribbling away. 

Dean gasped and it was so profound, so loud and genuinely surprising, that Seamus looked up from his books, -"But... but HOW!?" 

The Irish boy shrugged, returning to his homework, -"Dunno. Never asked, never got asked."

Dean Thomas couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stared at Seamus for a long time, without blinking. 

-"But you're so beautiful."- He said sincerely, under his breath. 

Seamus stopped what he was doing, -"What?"- His quill slipped from his hand. 

Dean gasped again, but this time, it wasn't in surprise: it was in alarm. He shouldn't have said that. What was he thinking?!

But you're so beautiful. 

Actually, he wasn't thinking.

-"What?"- He feigned innocent, looking away and trying to wipe away the sweat from his temples, -"I didn't say anything."

Seamus quirked an eyebrow in doubt, -"I think you did. What was it? I didn't hear."

-"Nothing, nothing!"- Dean cleared his throat loudly and stood up, causing his studying tools to fall everywhere, but he didn't cared. All he wanted was to get out of there, -"Excuse me. Need to use the loo."

Without giving his best friend a chance to reply, Dean bolted straight to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Instead of using the loo, Dean leaned against the door and breathed deeply, flitting both hands to his mouth. 

Dean, you're such an idiot! 

He almost let slip how he really feels about his friend─best friend. How was he supposed to tell Seamus that he's actually mad in love with him? That he really, really, really wants to be more than friends. That he thinks Seamus is perfect, beautiful, amazing, funny and... and─ 

But friends are supposed to be just that, friends. It's what everyone thinks. What everyone wants them to be. How it should be. 


Dean groaned and tossed his head back against the door with a dull thud. He didn't know anymore. What was he supposed to do now? How can he face Seamus now? Clearly, the other must have heard. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

But he couldn't stay locked in the loo. He couldn't hide forever. You're a Gryffindor, for Merlin's sake! Dean took another deep breath before stepping out, walking awkwardly to his bed where Seamus was still sitting. 

-"Hey, man. Are you... alright? I heard something. Thought you fell."- He said, looking at Dean intently. 

-"Yeah. M'alright,"- He muttered, smiling, but it came out rather crooked and his voice a little squeaky, -"Er─we should finish this bosh." 

They resumed their work in an awkward silence. Dean noticed how Seamus kept glancing at him every two seconds, gaping his mouth as if he wanted to say something. 

-"Um, did you answer question forty─?"

-"Oi, Dean─?"- They spoke at the same time and Seamus scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, -"You first."

Dean shook his head, gulping, -"Naw. You first. Got doubts about the questions?"

-"It's not about Potions, actually,"- Seamus continued, looking down at his hands, -"It's about what you said... before."


-"Yeah,"- He looked up and into Dean's eyes. There was a certain glint of hope in his eyes that Dean couldn't miss, -"About me being... beautiful."

Dean gasped and felt a wave of embarrassment warming his face, -"I─I didn't─"

 -"Did... did you mean it?"- Seamus didn't allowed Dean to deny it, -"Do you really think that about me?"

The taller boy's heart was beating rapidly in his chest and there were nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach. This was it. The end of their long-lasting friendship. He ruined it because he couldn't keep his mouth shut, -"I─I...,"- He exhaled, looking down in shame and covering his eyes with his hands, -"Yes, I─I do! I do think you're beautiful. And amazing. And funny. You make my days so much better and I think you have the best smile in all of Hogwarts and your accent is bloody brilliant and... and I'm sorry!"

He tried very hard not to sob. He tried not to cry. But then he heard ruffling and a presence very close to his. Then he felt something soft and damp touch his cheek. Something magnificent, thrilling, that undeniably seemed like lips. Dean gasped and opened his eyes to see Seamus very close to him, kissing his cheek.

The other boy parted, red faced and smiling, -"I think you're beautiful  too, Dean."

Dean smiled and tears spilled from his eyes. They weren't tears of sorrow, but of joy, and as he kissed Seamus' lips, Dean thought that he was the happiest guy in the world. 

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