First Kiss II - J. T'aime Smut

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A/N: i just learned that j t'aime means 'i love you'. Did yall know that? thats cute af

ANYWAYS, here's part two of "First Kiss"! More smut because thats what i live for!

Oh, and i just realized that my story is #2 in deamus. Hooray!

Victoire Weasly was beautiful. There was never any doubt about that. 

But Teddy Lupin had someone else in his mind. 

And he was sitting right beside him, munching loudly on his potato chips. 

-"So enlighten me, will ya?"- James Sirius Potter pried, tucking chip after chip in his mouth and drinking orange juice to swallow the mouthful of food, -"Did'ya woo her already?"- He spoke with his mouth full, but Teddy was used to it. He understood him perfectly, while others shot him a baffled look. 

-"Er─ "- Honestly, the boy had no manner of etiquette or shame. Ketchup and potato crumbs were all over the table, -"No, I─I haven't."

James gasped and it was so profound, so dramatic, that he accidentally choked on a chip. He coughed and punched his chest while Teddy cuffed his back, reaching for the glass of juice with his other hand. The Gryffindor boy drank and wiped his mouth before putting the glass down. 

-"Even with your mad kissing skills!?"- He continued, as if he almost didn't choked to death. 

Teddy was speechless, eyes wide.

-"Damn, that gal is good then,"- James said, rubbing his chin. Then he snapped his fingers, -"I know! You just got to practice more!"

Teddy blushed, -"You─you think?"- That's exactly what he wanted to hear. Why he came over his table, specifically. 

-"Yup!"- James assented, shoving ham and bacon into his mouth but still managing to smile broadly at Teddy, whose's heart did a tiny leap,  -"I've got Quidditch practice after dinner. Meet you at Moaning Myrtle's?"

Teddy made a face, -"At Myrtle's? Why?"

-"Because nobody goes there, 'cept us that is,"- James replied, elbowing Teddy's ribs and wriggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner, -"It'll be you and me. Just us."

Us, Teddy repeated in his head and he liked the sound of it. Us. His temples were next to feel warm. 

-"O─okay, if you think that's best."- Teddy babbled anxiously, already feeling butterflies in his stomach. 

-"Great!"- James whooped, lifting a fist to the air, -"It's a date then!"

With that, Teddy Lupin's face seemed like it was about to explode and he was the one to start coughing next. James gave his back a few slaps before Teddy walked away to class. 

-"Pink hair!"- James hollered behind him and Teddy walked faster. 

It has been a week or so since Teddy's first kiss. With James Sirius Potter, his best friend. Since then, he hasn't been able to get it out of his head. Even in his sleep, Teddy has dreamt about James; about his red lips, his hands touching his body, his unruly hair, and recently, his nimble tongue, working around and doing miracles to his crotch. He would wake up with his own hands shoved into his pants, groping his morning erection. Usually, Teddy has more self-control over this sort of thing, but with James, it was getting out of control.

Teddy was too excited and equally anxious to meet his friend later that day to do anything else. He couldn't focus in History of Magic or Charms, which were his forte, and Professor Flitwick inquired him about his lack of focus. He was merely worried, of course. Teddy was a brilliant student. 

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