Loyal Servant - Wolfstar (AU)

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A/N: this idea is story material (noble!Sirius/servant!Remus). One day I'll write that story i swear

I've got a bit of a notice to give: after this oneshot, updates will come late (or slower). I'm planning out my first original story AND I want to write several others stories about HP (this idea included and another one with Remus raising his own son with Sirius). FORGIVE ME!

So anyways, enjoy this little oneshot! 

Also, i can write lines and lines about how great remus is okay


-"Remus!"- Sirius sang from his room, -"Is my breakfast ready?"

Remus sighed and yawned, sorting the silver plate with finishing touches; grapes, biscuits and wine. For breakfast, -"Yes, sire."- He droned, taking a deep breath before entering. 

Sirius Orion Black's room was spacious and Remus always beamed at it every time he entered; the ceiling was tall, littered with delicate decorations and carvings, and chandeliers that hung and gave the room a beautiful light

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Sirius Orion Black's room was spacious and Remus always beamed at it every time he entered; the ceiling was tall, littered with delicate decorations and carvings, and chandeliers that hung and gave the room a beautiful light. There was a fireplace, with the fire alive and casting warmth, with a painting of house Black above it. Near it was a lounging area, with couches and chairs with red, silky clothing. A coffee table laid between them, with half-filled glasses of wine and food residues of last night. Despite the beauty of it, Sirius made a mess of it.

And it was Remus' job to keep it clean. 

The handsome Sirius Black himself was slouched on his big, double bed, undoubtedly naked underneath those soft cushions and quilts. Remus steeled himself and walked to his bed, placing the silver tray on his nightstand. By protocol, he straightened up and moved his hands to his back, -"Your breakfast, as required."- Just then, he noticed that Sirius had a hand deep inside the sheets, where a small bulge moved the slightest bit. Remus blushed, trying not to look away. 

-"Hmm,"- Sirius observed the tray critically, running his eyes hungrily over the perfectly made crepe. With a mischievous grin, he looked up at his servant, -"Where's my honey and whipped cream?"

-"I don't believe you requested that,"- Remus was confident that he prepared the plate exactly as Sirius wished for. He doesn't remember him mentioning honey or whipped cream, -"Sir."- He added with a light tint to his cheeks. He had to be formal. This was who he served, after all. 

Sirius' grin swelled and he burst into a fit of snickers, -"Lighten up, Remus!"- He slapped the smaller boy's arm amicably, -"You don't have to be so bloody formal around me. How many times do I have to tell you?"-  The words sounded harsh, but Sirius' tone was good-natured.

-"I don't want to disappoint the matriach, sir."- And lose my job.

-"Call me Sirius,"- He nearly spat, seriously upset about such a trivial matter, -"And forget my mother. You serve me."

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