Fateful Encounter - Deamus

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A/N: short but sweet Deamus

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Seamus Finnigan was returning home when he heard his name being called. He recognized it, but it has been such a long time that there was something different to it. It was deeper, slightly hoarse. Manlier. The cheerful tone was still there, of course.

-"Dean?"- Seamus turned around to the voice of his old friend. He was expecting to see the same Dean Thomas.

Not a tall Dean. A very, very tall Dean.

-"Seamus!"- Dean shouted, arms open for a hug. A big hug. Seamus couldn't feel the ground anymore as Dean's arms wrapped around his body for a fond embrace, -"Blimey, it's been so long!"

Seamus couldn't speak. Literally. Dean's strength was blocking his airway, but that was the least of Seamus' worry: who was this person hugging him?

-"I thought I'd never see any of you! I mean, we've send letters and all, since we've all been busy, but man, nothing beats this!"- Dean expressed, with nothing but sincerity and joy lacing his manly tone, -"Uh, Seamus?"- He released his friend when an answer wasn't given.

Seamus coughed, fisting his chest. Then he stood straight, as straight as he could, and tried to appear tall. Like his friend. Like Dean. 

Shite, when did he get so bloody tall? 

What in Merlin's pants happened with this guy? Seamus had to look up to meet his friend's eyes! He never had to do that before! Standing on his toes was out of the question. It was simply shameful. But it did cross his mind.

-"Um, are you alright?"- Dean asked and there was a small glint of disappointment and worry in his expression. He had expected Seamus to be as happy to see him as he was to see Seamus after all these years. 

Seamus cleared his throat and nodded, dusting himself and straightening his bow tie.

-"I... well, aren't you happy? To see me, I mean. It's been so long and all..."- Dean said, his voice low and seeming embarrassed.

Seamus took a deep breath before punching his old friend's shoulder. Merlin, he almost had to jump to do it, -"Yes I am, dimwit!"- He replied, swinging his suitcase. Dean dodged, laughing, -"But what the bloody hell happened to you, mate? You're tall as Hagrid!"

-"You're exaggerating, mate,"- Dean said, snatching Seamus' suitcase off his hands. Like it was nothing! The gall! -"I just grew up,"- He said loftily, snickering into his hand as he gestured at Seamus' smaller frame with his head, -"Unlike someone."

-"Oi!"- Seamus punched again, not as amicably as it should be but definitely not hostile. They might as well be fists of water because Dean barely even twitched, ruffling Seamus' hair in turn for his efforts. 

-"I missed everyone,"- Dean said after fooling around with Seamus, earning themselves odd looks from on-goers, -"But specially you, my Irish friend."

Seamus blushed, scratching the back of his neck, -"I... I missed you too, Dean."- He replied, finding himself unable to lie.

-"Hey, let's catch up,"- Dean proposed, throwing an arm around Seamus' shoulder and dragging him towards the nearest bar, -"Drinks are on me."

There were assignments for Seamus to do, but he thought he had enough time to enjoy a drink or two with his old, best friend. 

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