Cuts and Bruises - Wolfstar Angst

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A/N: time for angst/fluff wolfstar. i dont really like angst (who does really) but wolfstar can be a very angsty ship sometimes so here we go.


The moon was bright that night. Powerful. Merciless. Vindictive. The clouds couldn't hide it. No one could hide from it.

Specially Remus John Lupin.

Werewolves could never avoid it. They didn't had a choice but to transform once (or twice) every month, forced to gouge and harm themselves until they laid in puddles of their own blood. It was uncontrollable, the wolf; the impulse to hunt for blood, to destroy, and harm.

With a tight, unbearable pain in his chest, Remus awoke with a startle, gasping for air that seemed to be out of his reach. He wheezed, clutching and fisting his ribcage. It was a bad idea, he realized too late; the pain that crushed and burst in his body forced him to double over. Stars blinded his eyesight, head lolling lightly to the side. He was losing consciousness, but the feel of his wounds reopening was adamant. He cried silently, his throat desiccated and overused, his voice lost.

It hurts.

Remus faintly heard the door opening and hasty footsteps echoing the room. Two strong arms held him closely, rocking his body back and forth in a soothing flow.

-"Shhhh, shh,"- It was Sirius. Always Sirius, -"I'm here, Moony."- He quickly murmured spells to ease Remus' esophagus.

Hiccuping and sobbing against Sirius' chest, once his breath returned, Remus swayed to his tempo. His legs and arms were shaking, but slowly relaxed to Sirius' mollifying efforts; his caresses and sweet words. Remus' reopened cuts and bruises were mended by his skills in spellcasting, as far as cursed wounds could heal, but they still ached and throbbed.

-"Need to clean them, Rem,"- Sirius said, face burrowed in Remus' shoulder, lovingly kissing the skin, -"Don't want that fever to get worse."

Remus nodded, wiping his eyes clean of tears and straightening himself for Sirius. Hooking his arms under Remus' legs, Sirius stood to lift the harmed boy up but this one nearly screamed at the pressuring pain.

-"S-Sirius, it hurts."- Remus weeped, more tears spilling out of his tired eyes. Again, stars danced before his eyes.

-"I know, I know. I'm sorry,"- Sirius whispered, kissing Remus' temple while walking to the bathroom, -"I'll take care of you. I promise, I'll make you feel better."

Once in the bathroom, Sirius stepped into the tub, filled to the brim with water. Slowly and very carefully, he lowered Remus first, sinking his worn body into the warm water, and then undressed to join him a second later. He positioned behind Remus, pulling the werewolf's body to rest against his. His arms and legs were locked around Remus' body protectively. He was careful of riding Remus of the old, bloody bandages too, his fingers brushing his cuts lightly. Remus hissed and winced often, but Sirius hands were gentle on him as he washed him thoroughly; cleaned all his cuts and bruises.

-"You're strong, Remus. Do you know that?"- Sirius asked, scrubbing Remus' shoulders. His hands were covered in soapy foam, -"This moon was brighter than I've ever seen it, but you were stronger."

Remus merely hummed, too drained to even speak. His eyes were mildly closed as his head rested over Sirius' taller frame, watching as the blood blended and stirred with the ripples of the water. He has lost so much blood. He felt so weak. So tired. Sirius' body behind him was welcoming and his soft ministrations were making him sleepy.

-"I love you, Remus,"- Sirius said, dragging his soapy hands up and down Remus' legs, -"Do you know that?"

Remus hummed again and his lips shifted to form a small, weak smile. That, more than anything, he knew.

With one finger on Remus' chin, Sirius moved his head to place a chaste kiss on his lips, -"So damn much, and I'm so proud of you."

Remus returned the kiss, weakly so. Then he shivered a little when Sirius poured water over their heads to wash Remus' hair, scrubbing it clean of blood and grime. He discovered a new scar up there, one that caused Remus to hiss loudly, and kissed it too.

-"Sirius,"- Remus slurred, placing his hand over his boyfriend's, and smiled, -"You're being sappy again."

-"I am?"- Sirius chuckled, completely ignoring Remus' comment to kiss his cheek, -"Am I too mushy for you, huh?"

He started tickling Remus underwater, eliciting the sweetest of laughs from Remus' lips, until Sirius hit a fresh wound and caused him to yelp. The elder Black stopped to hug Remus tightly, dropping his head on the crook of Remus' neck to mutter apology after apology.

-"I'm fine, Sirius,"- Remus chortled and turned to face his boyfriend, putting a little painful effort on it. He wrapped his arms around Sirius' neck and rested his head on his chest, listening to the drumming of his heart,-"I love you too. Without you, I'd..."

Sirius didn't let him finish by placing another kiss to his mouth. They kissed and touched each other for a while before wrapping up the bath. Sirius helped Remus to his night clothes before taking him to bed. The pair kissed some more and Sirius gave Remus a very needed rubdown before finally falling asleep, both bodies snuggling each other.

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