Dance With Me - Deamus

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A/N: More deamus. Its been awhile lol

Professor McGonagall had announced the Yule Ball a week ago, when Seamus was in the middle of drinking his orange juice. He wasn't expecting it and spat the liquid, spraying Ron Weasley in front of him. His search for a date started that very same day. A week later and he still couldn't find anyone.

What am I supposed to do? Seamus asked himself mentally, who am I supposed to take and dance with?

Frantic, he returned to the Gryffindor common room.

-"Dean!"- He called, running up the stairs to storm into their dormitory, -"The Yule Ball's tomorrow and I haven't gotten meself a date! What am I supposed to do?"

Dean was working on several assignments when Seamus barged in. Startled, his papers flew everywhere and the quills' ink tainted the bedsheets, -"Blimey, Seamus!"

-"Sorry!"- Seamus apologized and rushed to help his friend. They spelled the sheets clean and levitated the papers on Dean's night table, -"It's just... I ain't got no gal to take with me. What am I supposed to do? I can't go alone."

Dean took a rather shaky breath before speaking, -"Well, you can go with me. I got no one too."

Seamus was taken aback, -"With you? But... what about Ginny?"- Mentioning her name made Seamus feel pissed for no reasonable explanation. Ever since Dean started dating her, he felt a sort of enmity with her. Whatever she did or said annoyed him.

-"Naw. She, uh... said no."- Dean replied, seemingly nonchalant. Seamus felt as if his best friend was hiding something.

-"She... she did?"- It didn't make any sense, -"You guys broke up?"

-"I guess?"- Dean shrugged, -"We've been arguing a lot lately. Besides, I think she still likes Harry."

-"Oh. That's... a bummer."- Seamus said, but he didn't felt bummed at all.

He didn't know what else to say to comfort his friend (although he didn't looked too hurt about it). Seamus never liked seeing them together; it brought up a rather nasty, nameless feeling in him. Like vomit. Still, he hadn't expected them to break up. Not so soon, anyways.

-"Yeah. It's kinda alright, you know. I never really thought she was into me. At least not as much as I was into her. I guess I was expecting it."- Dean confessed, fidgeting with his fingers.

-"Oh,"- Said Seamus again as he took a seat at his best friend's side, -"That―"

Dean chuckled, -"Sucks?"

-"Yeah."- Seamus laughed too.

They continued laughing for a while longer until Dean spoke again, looking more serious, -"So... wanna go with me?"

-"I... I don't know,"- Said Seamus uncertaintly, looking down at his hands, -"Wouldn't it be... weird?"

-"Well, no. We're best friends, aren't we? Everyone knows that."

-"Yeah, but... the ball is for, y'know, couples."- Seamus replied. Somehow, he was unable to look at Dean in the eyes anymore. What was this unease in his chest?

-"Not really, no. We can just hang around, drinking and eating."- Dean answered.

-"I s'pose,"- Seamus shrugged this time, unsure. But he had to give an answer and somehow, suddenly, 'no' was missing from his vocabulary, -"If you say so."

He wasn't so sure about it, but he didn't want Dean to think he was ashamed of being with him in a ball. If people see them, however, they would say... things, won't they? Things about them being together as couples. Was... was that okay? Dean was his best friend, nothing else. Everybody knew that.

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