2. The Intern

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Three Months Later.....

I sit back in my chair and stare at the candidate. 

"You've got to be kidding me. Is this a joke?" I ask as I take his resume like I'm actually going to read it. 

"I've got all the credentials Mr. Grayson sir," 

The impressive man sitting before me pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and clasps his hands together. With a stern face I look him over. 

"Don't you think you're a little... too old... to be an intern? Are you sure you have time for this?" I ask out of curiosity and semi-amusement. He fixes his tie nervously and sits up a little straighter. 

"I'm only thirty-six and I'm sorry Mr. Grayson but if I didn't have the time for this I wouldn't be applying." He says with confidence. 

"It's Mr. Karasuma," I correct him and watch his reaction. He doesn't even flinch. 

"My apologies, I didn't know you changed your name," he says. I sigh as I toss his resume to the side. 

"I haven't officially yet. I'm legally separated from the big man upstairs, but our divorce should be finalized soon." I explain and he nods a little, looking down at the floor. 

"I understand, I'm also going through a divorce," He adds looking off into the distance. I stand up and walk over to the window. Not wanting him to see my expression of pure joy. 

"I am a merciless employer and I expect things to be done right the first time. On your first mistake you will be booted. Do you understand?" I ask. I can see him gulp in the reflection of the window.

 "Y-yes Mr. Gr...err Karasuma," He repeats and I was surprised by how submissive he was. I turn to see his stiff jawline showed his nervousness as he refused to make eye contact. I liked that. 

"I suppose I'll take you," I announce and he perks up a little. Running his fingers through his hair, 

"Thank you Mr. Kasuma, you won't be disappointed!" He slides up his thick, black-framed glasses which added a nerdy appeal to his handsome face. I wanted to take the glasses off so I could look into those weird light brown eyes he had which were far too pretty to be real. 

"So when do I start?" He asks with an anxious look in his eyes. 

"You can start right now, go sit in that desk in the corner and get me the latest numbers from the French sector," I demand and he follows my will. A devilish smile crosses my face and I almost rub my hands together as he sits in the corner slumped at the desk. 

My office door suddenly flies open and before I can say a single spiteful word, his lips press against mine in an angry fury. 

"Angel!" I choke out and push him back. 

"You didn't answer me this morning, I've been worried about you all day." He sighs and I push him back with a single finger poking his rock-solid chest. 

"First of all, I had a rough night, second of all," I nod my head to the intern in the corner who still had his back to us. 

"Ah. The intern is here, No matter, he should get used to it if he's going to be here all the time." Angel shrugs before trying to kiss me again and I turn away from him. 

"That rough huh?" He chuckles slightly and I know he's pissed off now. I bite the corner of my lip before turning back to him. 

"I'll see you later okay," I give a slight smile and he looks over his shoulder at the intern before coming back to me.

 "I thought you had plans later?" He whines and I look at the time.

 "Shit, Intern guy! Close up for me!" I call out as I grab my jacket. Walking out the door as Angel follows in hot pursuit. He suddenly jets beside me and I give him a gentle shove while putting on my jacket. I can tell he's pouting without looking at him.

 "Don't give me that," I warn, not in the mood to fight with him.

 He rolls his eyes and is suddenly snatched by Enrique Grayson who drags him to another meeting.

 "I've been looking everywhere for you!" Enrique yells at his disheveled coworker while I breathe a sigh of relief, focusing on the task at hand. 


Oh Ashley.........

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