10. Playing with Lightning

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(Ash POV)

"It went better than I expected,"

 Pierce yawns as the three of us step into the elevator together. The Intern stands by my side, a note-taking tablet in hand with everything we needed from the meeting.

 "I agree. It could have gone a lot worse," he says as he reviews his notes while we climb down from the 90th floor. 

"I didn't ask for your input Intern," Pierce warns him and I give him a small nudge. 

"Be nice to my Intern. He did nothing to you. Just because you're all uptight doesn't mean everyone else has to be," I gently remind him, seeing the stress on his worn out face. 

"I guess you're right." He groans and leans back against the elevator wall, thinking about something that's been on his mind since we got here. 

"Why don't we go out to dinner tonight?" I offer but he shakes his head.

 "I...I have plans," He says and I can't help but raise a brow at this remark.

 "Plans? With who? It's France." I mention and he looks down at the ground. 

"I'm just going to go for a walk. I have an old friend that I want to try to find," He sighs and I laugh out loud. 

"In a city of millions?! Do you know what the chances are of you just magically finding that person?" I laugh and he continues to look down. Embarrassed. 

"So there's a flaw in my plan. Whatever," He sighs and we finally reach the first floor. 

Pierce darts out to avoid further interrogation and I look at the Intern.

 "What about you? Want to go out?" I offer and he chuckles a little as we exit the lift. 

"Are you asking me on a date or as an Intern?" he asks and I gain a small amount of amusement in his bravery. 

"Can I do both?" I ask as we get in the taxi. 

"If you take me out on a date I want you to call me by my name," He says and our eyes meet for a few moments. I turn to the taxi drone and tell him the name of the restaurant. 

"Fine, you can go as my Intern then." I lean back on the soft leather seats and he crosses his arms while looking out the window. 

"I thought so."

"So how are things between you and your boyfriend?"

 The Intern asks as he takes a spoonful of creme brulee. 

"Boyfriend?" I laugh at the thought and he blushes slightly. 

"That guy who kissed you in the office the other day, isn't he your boyfriend?" He asks and I shake my head. Stealing a bite of his custard.

 "No, Angel and I are just friends. He's fucking insane and only kissed me to get revenge for some stupid shit," I tsk, shaking my head.

 "Sounds a lot like something you would do," He says as he fixes his glasses. I was starting to think they kept sliding because they were too big for him, but the lenses were also super dirty from his constant toying with them. I reach out and take them off his face, Cleaning the lenses with my dress shirt.

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