31. Resilience

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"You didn't let me finish,"

"You didn't have to. I get it. Divorce it is. You want to just be friends too while we're at it?" 

He stabs me in the heart with a dagger and gives it a sharp twist. I turn around and finally face his frustrated frown as he takes a box out of the room. 

"Ashley stop,"

I call and he drops the box at the doorway, biting the edge of his bottom lip as he kicks the box into the bathroom before kicking the door to the closet closed. 

"I'm trying Jonathan. I'm trying so fucking hard. But you're stuttering makes me feel like I haven't tried at all. Like I haven't changed anything."

 He says as his fist hits the door making me jump. I've never seen him so pissed off at me. 

"I was going to say yes, but you just love jumping to conclusions." I shrug it off and he whips around so fast I thought he was going to snap his neck.

 "Then why did you hesitate?" He snaps and I avoid his narrowed gaze. 

"Because I just love being dramatic and scaring the shit out of you," I laugh and he lets out a low growl.

"I fucking hate you, Don't pull that shit again, It's not funny," he smirks as he leans against the door and I tread closer to him. 

"I dunno you should have seen your face. I thought it was kind of funny," I chuckle as I move closer to him.

 "Why do you always like to annihilate our moments?" He asks as he reaches out and grabs hold of my waist.

 "I like to ruin our moments? We were perfectly fine until you hit me," I flick his angry forehead and he frowns. 

"Is this how you felt this was the other way around?" He asks and I slowly slide my hands up his warm chest to his neck. 

"You mean when I was on top? What? Are we feeling a little frustrated, pissed off, and passive-aggressive?" I ask and he furrows his brows. 

"Possibly but then your stupid smirk and that look in your eyes kind of makes up for 75% of it," He mutters as he pulls me closer. 

"Only 75%? What about the other 25%?" I ask as we draw closer to each other like two inseparable magnets. 

"The other 25% is still frustrated, annoyed, and fueled with passive aggression," Ash says as his lips draw just a few millimeters from mine.

 "You want to switch again?" I ask and he snorts out a choked laugh,


He finally kisses me and I get that strange sensation that tingles across my lips as we kiss. That tiny spark that never goes away. 

"Who's the housewife now, bitch?" Ash says in his deep husky voice as his warm hands gently glide down my bare back sending a shiver down my spine. 

"Bitch I still make more than you, shut the fuck up," my uncontrollable giggle turns to a soft moan as he pulls me closer. 

"Why are we like this?" he laughs just close enough to tickle my ear as he rests his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck. 

"You're asking me?" I answer back to the best of my ability while he turns us around and we slowly slide down the wall to the carpeted floor. 

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