7. Don't Knock It Til You've Tried It

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(Ashley POV)

"I'm disappointed in you, I would have thought we'd fix this by now." 

Pierce sighs as we both look at the problems going on with the division of the Grayson Enterprises located in France.

 "Oh sure, blame the guy who did all the work, fucker." I give him a shove and he shoves me back. 

"Yes and because you did all the work, I blame you," he dramatically points at me and I ignore him. 

"I can't fix it unless I'm actually there working with their accountants. There's only so many hours in the day with the time zone difference," I say as I scratch the bottom of my chin. 

"Mhm. Blame time zones. Sure," He leans against the wall and crosses his arms. 

"Would you stop being a wise ass and just listen to me you freeloader," I call him out and my brother in law raises an eyebrow.

 "I can't go to France...not with Matty in the hospital," He sighs as he takes a look at the graph.

 "It would only be for two days Pierce. I'm not one to tear you away from your baby in the NICU. But isn't he being discharged like Friday?" I point out.

 I know, I have no shame but he could use a few days to take a break. I knew things had been tense between him and his husband Alejandro with their baby's life constantly lying on the edge. Maybe if he had a tiny break he could come back refreshed and ready to be the best father he can be.

 At least that's what I hoped but with Pierce?
You never know.

Pierce runs his fingers through his thick brown hair before answering me.

 "You're right. If not this whole account is going to flop and I'm going to go down with it." He says as he tilts the graph to the right. 

"But Alejandro...I don't want to leave him alone," he turns to me, almost as if he's asking for my permission.

 "I'm going to be on a plane to France tomorrow, talk it out with Ali and decide as to whether or not you'll be on that plane," I give him the option and he leans against my desk, peering down at the floor.

 The dark circles under his eyes said it all, he looks down at his hands. Spinning his wedding ring on his left ring finger. 

"You know, when we first saw Matthias, his teeny tiny little hand was so small, that I could run my wedding ring up to his shoulder. And now he's so big; like actually baby sized, it's so hard to remember where he came from. I feel like I'm starting to take him for granted. But Ali never will. He's cried over our son every single night," He confesses with the longest sigh I've ever heard leave his lips. 

"But I'm so tired Ash...I just want them both home. I hate hospitals ever since...you know." His gaze drifts off towards the window and a visible chill runs down his spine. 

"Well if I was stuck in the hospital for a year I'd hate them too," 

The door suddenly opens and the intern skulks in, keeping his head down as he makes his way to his desk.

 Pierce Grayson looks him up and down several times with his eyes and I await his snarky response with crossed arms. Ready to defend my intern. 

"Really? That's your intern? You would think you'd go for someone at least a little more...attractive," Pierce mutters. 

"I can hear you," The intern speaks up but we both ignore him.

 "He's an intern. He doesn't have to be young and attractive," I comment while fixing my cufflinks.

 "Why? Because that's what you have the Spaniard for?" I choke on my breath. 

"Say another word and I'm retracting my invite to Paris," I tell him and he waves it off. He raises his hands in mercy as he backs out of my office. 

The intern puts a file on my desk and I swipe it just as he puts it down. My hand gracefully brushing against the tops of his knuckles. I can already see him starting to blush. 

"Pack a bag intern, you're going to France," I tell him as I pick up the file. His mouth opens as he fixes his glasses. 

"I can't just go to France sir," he says confused. 

"Why the hell not? If you don't go, I'm firing you for someone younger and more attractive who will," I comment and his deep frown twist into a smirk.

 "As they say here in America, Don't knock it til you try it." He says with his fingers slowly treading on the file as he takes it from me and activates it so the holograms start to appear and pictures begin to load on the walls. He slides his glasses up before continuing.

 "Are you ready for the conference Mr. Karasuma?" He asks as if he wasn't just trying to maybe possibly flirt with me and I nod while deeply overthinking everything. 

But the conference begins and my intern quietly goes back to the corner. 

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