3. On A Mother Fucking Whim

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(Ashley POV)


The basketball twirls in a small holographic ring before finally tipping into the basket and I catch my breath. 

AJ catches the ball from beneath the hoop and spins the basketball on his pointer finger. 

"You're getting rusty papa," He smirks and stops the ball. Holding it in his arm as he pushes back his sweaty mop of blonde hair. He had the same smirk as his father and I had to turn look down for a few seconds to hold my composure. 

"Yah! I'm the one who taught you this stupid sport! You should be bowing to me in thanks instead of insulting your master!" I argue and my sixteen year old son throws it off with a simple laugh. 

I go to the sidelines of the empty gymnasium and gulp down an entire bottle of water in one go. AJ dribbles the ball as he comes closer to me. 

"Whatever you say, but isn't it the goal of the master to be overtaken by their protege?" He says and he stops the ball on the ground before joining me and sitting on the cold, freshly waxed, hardwood floor of his high school gymnasium.

 "Stop being such a smartass," I scowl and he tilts his head back against the blue padded wall. 

"I can't help it, I got it from you," He pulls out attitude and but I could tell there was something else bothering him. 

"What's on your mind kiddo? You seem distracted," I add and he looks down at the ground. 


He's such a fucking liar, I knew I raised him too well. 

"No seriously... How's Isabella? You guys good?" 

I ask, thinking maybe he had a fight with his girlfriend or some stupid high school drama was weighing him down. But AJ was such a carefree kid that it would be highly unusual for him to be involved in any drama. He had one small episode of delinquency when he was like ten but that's how he met Isabella so we let it slide. 

"We're fine...I'm just... Are you still coming to my big game tomorrow?" He asks with curious glance in his crystal blue eyes.

 "Of course I'm coming AJ. Why wouldn't I! Am I really that shitty of a parent where you would just assume I wouldn't go! I'm offended!" I gasp and he gives me a gentle shove. 

"No...I just thought with you and dad...you know...breaking up. You wouldn't go because you'd have to see him." AJ sighs, anxiously playing with the basketball by pushing it back and forth. 

"Ah... yes I suppose I would have to see that insufferable dufus. But there's nothing that could stand in my way of supporting you. You'll have your mom, dad, and me." I tilt up his chin but he pushes my arm away.

 "Just don't sit in the same row or I'll have a heart attack," he warns and I roll with laughter, 

Imagining poor Johnny in between his two ex-spouses at AJ's last game where there would be college scouts watching his every move. 

"I'm worried about dad," he says out of the blue and I stop laughing. 

"Worried about what exactly? Is everything okay at home?" I ask and he gives me a solemn nod. 

"He's just not the same, Papa. He's...nevermind, come on! Let's play another game!" He retracts his statement and goes to stand but I grab his arm. Pulling him back.

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