43. Search and Rescue

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(Pierce POV)

The vibration goes off but I ignore it. The room was still dark meaning I could still sleep. The vibration stops and I let out a small sigh of relief. But then it starts up again and I feel out to the nightstand, taking hold of my phone. 

"Mmm...who the fuck is calling at 3 am?" Ali moans beside me and I look at my screen phone. Wincing at the bright blue light and answering it without looking at who was calling.

 "Pierce! I've been trying to call you for the past ten minutes!" my father yells in my ear and I hold the phone just a little ways away from my ear so he doesn't blast my sensitive eardrum. 

"What? What are you talking about dad? It's like-" I stop and check the time, "Four in the morning," I groan before laying my head back on the pillow. 

"It's your nephew. Finley, he's gone," 

At the words gone, I instantly sit up. 

"Gone? What do you mean gone?!" I ask and my father sounded like he was standing on the side of the road with yelling in the background. 

"He's gone. Jonathan came home to find him missing and now the entire family is out looking for him. He's not in the house or in the immediate area." he says and I start to get out of bed. 

"What's going on?" Ali groans but I tell him to shut up with the wave of a hand.

 "Don't we put tracking chips in our kids for a reason?" I ask as I start to get dressed in the dark. Tugging on my sweatpants and a t-shirt before leaving. "Pierce?" my husband calls after me but I ignore him. 

"We do, but his isn't working. He's in an area without a signal." My father announces and I can hear my family calling out for Fin in the background. 

"Without signal..." I think for a few moments while jogging down the stairs. Then the idea smacks me in the face. 

"I know where he is,"

"Well look who decided to show up!" 

My annoying sister in law, Skylar, says as she points a light in my face. My mother, father, and Joseph stand beside her on the side of the highway. 

"I don't know about you but some of us like to do something called SLEEP, at four in the morning." I point out and she rolls her eyes. 

"That's not the point, why did you bring us here? He couldn't have come this far," Joseph points out but I shake my head.

 "Oh on the contrary, my Tae Tae loves to run wild in these stupid woods and I can never find him because once he goes in his tracker loses its signal for some reason. It's like ma-" I pause as I take my flashlight and point it at the ground to find the small boot prints.

 We all look down at the footprints in unison. 

"Do you think it's him?" Skylar asks as Joseph gets down on his knee and measures the footprint with his hand

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"Do you think it's him?" Skylar asks as Joseph gets down on his knee and measures the footprint with his hand. 

"If Fin's foot is as big as my Mari's it seems about right." He nods and I lift the flashlight, following the footsteps up down the road and heading in that direction. 

But one footprint stops me and I'm stuck staring for a few seconds as the red splatter that covered the step. 

"Is that...blood?" My mother gasps and Joseph and I start running forward with more speed than our parents and Skylar combined.

 "CALL PETER!" Joseph yells back and we can only hope they heard us as we dart into the woods.

The footprints grow faint as we make our way through the woods. Deciphering animal footprints and Finley's little footprints. 

"FIN!" I call out in hopes to hear something from him. 

"Pierce look!" I turn to where Joseph points to more blood and what looked like dragging marks. 

Although I was a grown man, I had never been more scared in my life as my brother in law and I suddenly cling to each other. Slowly bringing the flashlight up and finding the source of the footsteps. 


Joseph screams and I drop to my knees in the mud to pick up my nephew's small, lifeless body. 

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