24. Trust

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(Jonathan POV)

"So what brings you two in today?"

The couples counseling therapist asks and I lean back on the opposite end of the couch, as far away from this asshole as possible.

 Ashley lets out a long whistle as he leans forward and hunches over his legs with his chin rested on his hand. 

"Where do we start," he smirks and I dart my eyes at him. 

"Why don't you tell her?" I insist and he starts to be a sarcastic asshat but stops in his tracks when he sees the death glare I was shooting his way.

 "So... a few months ago, I asked for a divorce," He starts the story all sorts of wrong and I roll my eyes.

 "No, you see what happened was this idiot left me but didn't explain why. Just randomly says I want a divorce, so nonchalantly I thought he was joking. Until he left. He left. But I didn't know until now that it was because he was sick with some genetic disorder and now he has Leukemia." I say stumbling over my angry words. 

"I didn't...we're very close and what he doesn't seem to understand is that I left because I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want him to see me weakened with the disease or think he has to take care of me. We have four kids who need at least one stable parent in their life." Ashley says. 

Our therapist, Dr. Rodriguez, looks at both of us.

 "But now you're back together?" she asks and I look down.




 Ash and I answer at the same time.

 I avoid Ash's surprised gaze at my answer.

 "I'm guessing we're beyond help then, if that's what you think," Ash adds, the hurt coming in through his voice. 

"Okay, Ashley, I'm sure Jonathan wouldn't be here today if he wasn't willing to try. Am I right?" She asks and I just nod my head.

 "Good. Good. Now I'm going to start by asking a few questions. It doesn't matter who answers. Who makes most of the decisions?" She starts and I let Ashley answer. 

"Jonathan does."

"Who should be in charge?"


"Okay, Jonathan...what is one thing your spouse does repeatedly that irritated you?"

"He has a big mouth, and constantly says things out loud that he shouldn't"

"I do not!"

"Ashley, please respect each other's answers without judgment."

"Oh, I'm judging,"

"Ashley, please answer the same question,"

Ashley stays quiet for a few moments in deep thought.

"When he's overly dramatic and sappy, Also his stupid Smirk"

"I can't fix my smile!"

"I was being honest,"

"Okay. What is one unspoken rule of your marriage,"

"Unspoken rule?"


Ashley and I look at each other.
He decides to go first.

"His ex wife Linda isn't allowed to step foot in the doorway,"

"Okay, Jonathan?"

"I think one that we've always stood by is we're not allowed to end an argument no matter how big or small without laughing it off or resolving it. Although Ash kind of tossed that out the window when he went left,"

"Okay, What is one thing your spouse should never do?"

I had such a long list that picking one was difficult.

"Are you sure we can only say one?" Ashley asks and I chuckle a little. 

We both had a long list of things we should never do but did anyway.

"If there's more than one, now is the time to share,"

Ash and I turn to each other and I can't help but smile while shaking my head.

"You can go first Johnny boy," He says.

"For starters, stop groping me in public,"

"I can't help it when you look so fine,"

"Well I don't like it and you should never do it again,"

"Fine. It'll be hard but I suppose I can..."

"And stop being petty,"

"I'm not petty,"

"I wore your tie the other day and after molesting me in the office you stole it back,"

"Because you looked too fucking good in it,"

"See? Petty as fuck,"


Ashley internalizes in. Not wanting to tell me to shut it in front of the therapist.

"Anything else?"

"Never leave me again." I say and his pissed off smirk softens.

"I won't." He says.

But I don't believe him.

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