Finley Oliver Grayson

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While Jonathan & Ashley's story ends here, my books are all interconnected

so it's not like you'll never see them again because...

This charming child has his own book btw titled


So if you're in love with Johnny and ash... you'll love Fin...

Here's a special preview of him as an adult in my book 

An American In London

*Note This Very special Chapter is dedicated to the people who inspired this book. LisaHiggins3 for her motherly insight 

and my best friend's dedication to this ship which started the trilogy in the first place

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

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(Finley POV)

I play with the buttons on my shirt as I walk to the front door of my childhood home. Dreading each footstep I take, but also feeling a tiny twinge of excitement.

Standing on the front step I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes shut, whispering a small prayer to the island gods that my lovely father, Jonathan Grayson opens the door, but as soon as I hear Ashley's voice I almost debate turning around and pretending I was never here.

"Well look what the tide dragged in! So you finally decided to visit on your own accord. I'm in shock," Papa says with triumph, crossing his arms defensively as he leans against the doorway. 

As my dad loves to point out, I'm practically a carbon copy of the great Ashley Grayson and looking at him was almost like seeing an older version of myself in a mirror.

"I can leave you know," I threaten as I point at my car parked in the driveway.

"You won't," he tempts me with his narrowed hazel eyes, which looked like glowing demonic embers when the sun hit them just right. I try to ignore him and slip past him but he sticks out his arm and blocks my entrance. 

"Well, are you going to let me in or what?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow.

"Nope, not until I get a small heartfelt hug and a 'Hey papa, I missed you soooo much when I was across the pond going to college in London for you know...five months, it's so nice to FINALLY see you again'," he demands and I roll my eyes.

"You mean you want me to lie to you?" I huff and try to get by him but he stands in my way,

"Wow, you're such a little shit you know that," he says back, pretending to be hurt.

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