40. Oblivion

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(Johnny POV)

I storm into my brother's office, tumbling straight through the door, surprised to find the door unlocked with the scan of my wrist. I cross into this large library, finding myself stopping in my tracks as I'm faced with the wall after wall of bookshelves containing holographic books and hardcover medical textbooks. 

I had never personally stepped into Peter's office but it was surprising. The marble white walls and built-in bookshelves carved into the stone had a weird vibe to it. As I continue to walk through the hallway of books in search of my brother, there's I turn into every corner. It looked surprisingly sterile and a little too perfect for any normal person.

 Finally, there's a large door in one of the shelves and I open it to find a second room, completely empty of all furniture except for the stacks of books on the floor, where my brother sat, passed out on one of these stacks. 

His cheek pressed into the notebook and when I open the door it disturbed him from his sleep. Peter tilts his head up with dark circles under his eyes as he lets out a startled gasp. 

"Oh...it's just you," He sighs and rubs his eyes. For a second he looked so fragile and small, I saw him as a little boy again and my brotherly instincts kick on.

 "Peter, are you alright?" I ask as approach him. He yawns and looks at the notebook. 

"Mmhmm...just...what time is it?" he asks and I look at my holowatch. 

"It's past midnight Peter," I inform him and he curses under his breath. 

"Shit...I promised Joseph I would be home in time to tuck the kids in," He coughs into his elbow and tries to hold himself up but falls sideways. Luckily I was there to catch him before he crashed into the hardcover books. 

"Mmm...Johnny, Thanks." He moans and I pull my exhausted brother close to me. Slinging his arm over my shoulder.

 "Let me take you home buddy," I offer even though he had no other choice at this point. 

"Mmmk...What are you here for anyway?" he asks and I walk out the door and into the hallway. 

"I was with Ashley today. He stopped coughing." I tell him and quickly think twice before leaving. Leaning him against the wall first and stripping him of his doctor's coat, before taking off my sweater.

"Huh, that's nice," he groans and I put my sweater on him instead. Pulling up the hood over his black hair speckled with gray. 

"Wait," His bright gray eyes open wide and he looks at me. 

"He didn't cough? Are you sure?!" He asks and he tries to pull away from me but falls over his exhausted self. I pick him back up and hold him up. 

"Yup, but you can figure that out tomorrow buddy," I tell him as we start to walk out. 

No one needs to see the great Peter Grayson, weakened and exhausted after a long day of helping everyone except himself. The kid never took a day off, rain or shine he was here from nine in the morning to nine at night. And the days he stayed home were the days he was left on call. My little brother was an exceptional human being but at the end of the day, he's still a human being. 

"No, I have to start working on the cure...before I forget," he moans but I refuse to let him go. Practically dragging him out of the hospital against his will. 

"Peter, you never forget anything, You'll be fine but for now you need to go home and sleep. You working yourself to a breaking point isn't going to help anyone." I tell him as I force him into the passenger side of my car. 

"Fine." he finally caves and passes out again on the drive to his house.

"I've got a delivery for you," I announce as Joseph opens the door to their small mansion and takes one look at Peter and concern floods his face. Peter's head had drifted to the floor as he was in such an exhausted state it was almost as if he was drunk. Letting out a sad sigh, Joseph opens the door wide and lets me carry in.

"I don't know what to do Jonathan. If he keeps this up he's going to burn out," Joseph groans as he rubs the bridge of his nose with stress. 

"I'm so worried about him," he says as he sits on the stairs and I sit down next to him. 

"I am too...is this a daily thing?" I ask and he nods his head. 

"It use to be every once in awhile but now it's at least every other week. I keep trying to pull him back but with his patients and Ashley, its the only thing on his mind." He lets it all out and buries his head in his arms. I gently pat my brother in law on the back in some form of comfort. 

"If you need any help with the kids or anything at all you know you can call us," I tell him and he nods.

 "I know, Thank you for taking Mari today, It was nice to get some alone time with Ella," He admits as he sits back and I nod.

 "Anytime Jojo," 

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