27. Countdown

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(Doctor Peter Grayson POV)

"I'm sorry," 

I tell my older brother Jonathan as he sits on the stiff hospital chair in the empty white hospital room. 

"There's nothing to be sorry for. You did all that you could," he sighs but in his sigh comes a small sob and he bends over his knees. 

"I think I'm going to be sick," he moans as he runs his fingers through his hair. I gently push the trash can towards him with my foot. 

"How long?"

he asks and I go into my brother-in-law's medical chart. 

"He has...about...a little less than a year," I tell Jonathan and he lurches. As he throws up, I gently rub his back only to find his muscle was gone and I was just feeling his skeleton. His left arm was also limp at his side. He throws up until there's nothing left and I hand him a tissue to wipe his mouth.

 "Jonathan...I think you need to get checked out too," I confess and he raises and thick brown eyebrow. 

"Me? I'm fine, just worry about Ash," He says and I raise his chin. There was a hollowness to his cheekbones that was getting worse since the last time I saw him.

 "What was the last thing you ate?" I ask and he blinks a few times. 

"I...I don't remember," He sighs and I push the trashcan to the side.

 "Stand up for me," I ask and he does, only to faint but in anticipation for this, I'm able to catch him as he falls.

"What's wrong with him?"

 Ashley asks me as he walks up to my brother's hospital bed. Still, in pain from surgery, he manages to sit on Jonathan's hospital bed and hold his husband's right hand. 

"His left arm is broken, he's also malnourished, dehydrated, and burnt out," I explain. 

"Ah, Johnny you're such a fucking liar. I knew something was wrong. What do you think it's..." He starts to ask the question but he quickly realizes the answer was right in front of his face. 

"This was me," he says. I don't confirm nor deny this. Keeping my personal beliefs out of it. 

"All I know is it was probably from stress," I confirm and Ash shakes his head. 

"He should recover quickly and be out of here by later tonight. But the cast on his arm will take a few weeks to heal." I explain. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask Ashley but he lets out a long groan while rubbing his eyes.

 "I feel like shit Peter. But I think I'm going to accept your offer," He says and I look at him surprised.

 "Are you sure?" I ask to double check but he turns back to Jonathan, gently pushing the soft brown waves off his sweaty forehead. 


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