Chap. 1 Daily Life Part 2

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*author's note*
just a heads up, your dorm here is where hifumi's is in game. if you're not a fan who worships this game like me, lol, hifumi's room is the one at the end of the white hallway with the public bathrooms in it. everyone else's room in that red hallway is just scooted down a little to the right. the room order will be (left to right starting at your room) you, hifumi, hiro, leon, sakura. thank you for reading.


When I finally started to wake up, I was in a new room. The walls were a sort of red color with a design that reminded me somewhat of what the school crest looked like and the floor looked like a seeming dark blue carpet. There was a table and dresser a ways away as well. I shifted a little and noticed I was laying on something comfy and soft. I sat up all the way, but slowly since my head still hurt. I looked down and noticed I was on a bed.

"Wh-Where am I?" I asked myself. Waking up in new rooms seemed to be my norm as of lately.

I slowly got off the bed and made my way over to the table, noticing something on it and picking it up. It was a key with a block on it, showing (first initial) (last name). Is this the key to the room, or better yet, my key?

"If this is my key," I asked looking around, "then this must be my room, right?"

I then walked over to a white door. "This is . . . the bathroom perhaps?" I opened the door and looked around, seeing a shower, toilet, sink, everything belonging to a typical bathroom.

I shut the door and went back to the main room. I then went towards a dark wood door, assuming it left the room. I grabbed the door and noticed it was locked. "So all the dorms have locks?"

I took another look around the room, seeing a lint roller on the floor near my bed and a desk behind it. I walked over to it and saw a notepad on top of it and decided to look in the drawers, since this seemed to be my room. There was something in one of them; an unopened toolkit. I wasn't really expecting that. I left it there, seeing no reason to take it with me.

I looked around a little more and noticed a piece of paper hanging on the wall above the dresser. I walked over and read it.

"Announcement from Headmaster Monokuma:

Each room's lock has been designed to completely protect against tampering or lock-picking. Remaking an inidvidual room key is quite troublesome, so please make sure not to lose your's.

Your room comes furnished with a shower, but please note that the water is turned off at nighttime. Also, the bathrooms in the girls' rooms include a lock of their own.

Finally, we've prepared a small gift for each of you. For the girls, a sewing kit. And for the boys, a toolkit. The sewing kit includes a map of the body's vital organs. One stab will do the job, girls! For the boys, we believe a strong blow to the head with any of the tools should be ample. Don't think! Just feel! And let's all enjoy ourselves!"

After reading the whole thing, I threw the paper away in the trashcan near my feet.

I then started to think. "What's everyone else up to right now?" I asked no one in particular. I decided now was a good time to leave my room, so I approached the door again and unlocked it, leaving my room and locking the door behind me. I turned to find out where everyone else was, but noticed someone was in front of me.

"Oh!" Makoto greeted with a surprised smile. "You're awake!"

"Heh," I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I just decided to leave and see what I missed." I smiled up at him, but Makoto didn't return one. He just looked worried.

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