Chapter 1 Deadly Life Part 1

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After I got to the gym and a few more minutes past of me pacing back and forth, Hina started talking.

"Ah! You're awake! Finally! Are you okay?" I stopped and looked over to where Hiro had placed Makoto once he came to the gym and Makoto slowly started to sit up.

"Now's not the time for sleeping," Mondo ordered. "Get your ass up!"

"Huh. . .?" Makoto seemed confused.

"You were unconscious, dude," Hiro explained. "I had to carry you here."

I rushed over to Makoto's side and knelt next to him. "God Makoto!" I said with a smile. "I thought you got hit or something! I'm so glad you're okay!" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's not surprise," Sakura started, "considering what happened."

"What . . . happened?" Makoto asked. I slowly let him go and sat on my knees.

"We left to find Sayaka, and . . . well. . . ." I trailed off. He seemed like he remembered once I stopped talking.

"Gh-! Grraaah!" He replied, kind of curling into a ball upright.

"H-Hey," Hina began worriedly, "are you okay!?"

Makoto lifted his head a little. "So it wasn't a dream? What I saw . . . it was real. . .?" It was hard for me to look at him now, so I looked at my knees instead.

"That's right," Byakuya responded. "It really did happen. Sayaka . . . is dead."

Makoto's eyes went wide and he looked at his lap. I watched his whole body, wanting to help him out, but he soon jumped up and ran for the door.

"Hey," Byakuya called, "where do you think you're going?"

Makoto whipped back around to face us. "I have to see for myself!" he cried. "I have to see if Sayaka is-! If Sayaka is. . .!" I stood up but kept looking at the floor.

"You can check once, twice, a thousand times. Sayaka is completely and irrovocably dead."

"No! I have to see for myself!"

"Listen to us, man!" Mondo jumped in. "Whaddya think's gonna happen if you go out there?"

"Well what good is it gonna do just sitting around here!?" I looked up at Makoto as he spoke. He looked like he might cry, which made sense. "I mean, why are we all hanging out in the gym at a time like this!? Our friend . . . Sayaka . . . she's. . . . She's dead!"

"None of us want to be here right now, either," Kyoko added.

"Then . . . why?"

"An announcement came on," I started quietly, "and Monokuma told us to come here."

"Well, hold on!" Taka joined in. "Don't talk like that. We all protested it!" What did he say? Kyoko, Byakuya, Mondo, Hiro and I surely didn't protest. He must be talking about everyone else who didn't come into the bathroom.

Taka continued. "I mean, we all remember the terrible price Sayaka had to pay. . . . B-But. . .!"

"I'm the one who conviced the rest of them to come," Kyoko admitted. "Right now, we need to do whatever he says. We're his prisoners, right? It's not a good idea to defy him without reason." Kyoko then frowned. "We don't need to make any more sacrifices than we already have. . . ."

Makoto then spoke up again after a short silence. "Why should we listen to anything he has to say? It's obvious he's the one that killed Sayaka!"

Speaking of the little devil, Monokuma then appeared in our small crowd. "I would never do that! If you can believe anything, you can believe that!"

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now