Chap. 2 Daily Life Part 5

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im finally writing more!!!

well ive had this chapter backed up, im actually writing the trial now!



I entered the gym and soon found myself standing with everyone else.

"Hmm. . . ." Taka began. "Asking us to gather together all of a sudden like this. . . . What could he possibly want?"

"Indeed," Celeste agreed. "What might await us this time?"

Byakuya chuckled. "Hmhmhm. He keeps things interesting, that's for certain."

"How is that funny?" Hifumi asked. "Can't you smile like a normal person once in a while? Like how the housewife on a classic TV show smiles at the end of an episode?"

Hina growled to herself. "There's something totally messed up with you if you can laugh at a time like this!"

"Which of us is *actually* " messed up", hmm?" Byakuya suggested.

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean. . .?"

"Nothing in particular. Just admiring, that's all. . . . I don't wanna kill anyone. But I also don't wanna stay here, living in blind denial day after day." He smirked. "I was just admiring how you could live like that and still keep your sanity."

"I'm not in denial. . . ."

"That reminds me. Remember how you kept talking about how the police or whoever will come help us? How'd that turn out? It seems to me there's no sign whatsoever of possible rescue."

"Th-That's just. . . . I wonder what actually happened."

"It's strange, that's true," Kyoko spoke up. "There's no way the police wouldn't know about it. We're right in the middle of a major urban area."

"The police suck!" Hifumi blurted out.

"On the contrary," Celeste began, "the mastermind may be just that powerful, to take control even of the police. . . ."

"Oh!" Hiro then started. "This might not be related, but-"

"Then don't say it," Toko interupted him.

"Nope, gonna say it!

"It's about last night. I was near the dining hall, just staring off into space. When all of a sudden. . . . I heard it."

"You heard what?" Chihiro asked.

"A sound that . . . I don't really know what it was. . . ."

"Wh-What kind of sound?" Taka asked nervously.

"Well like I said, I don't really know," Hiro replied. "But if I *had* to describe it . . . it was like . . . a construction site, I guess?"

"A construction site. . .?" Makoto asked.

"I mean, I could just be making that up. I only just barely heard anything. . . ."

"Then you d-definitely made it up," Toko concluded. "M-Must've just been the sound of the ocean in th-that head of yours. . . ."

"Say what!? Whatchoo talkin' about, Toko!?"

All of us turned to the stage at the back of the gym to see Monokuma finally appear.

"He's arrived. . . ." Kyoko sighed.

Monokuma went back to our original subject. "What Hiro heard wasn't the sound of construction . . . but it *could* have been an explosion!"

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