Chap. 1 Investigation Part 3

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I took a seat at a small empty table for four in the dining hall and waited for Makoto. It was actually a while, unil he walked through the entrance. I smiled at him and he walked towards my table, but he looked distressed, almost scared. He sat down in front of me.

"How was your investigation?" I asked him, arms on the table in interest. "What'd you find?"

"One main thing, actually," Makoto responded, the look on his face soon fading away to his normal look. "The knife that Sayaka was stabbed with must've come from the kitchen; one of the knives is missing."

"Really?" I asked. "For how long?"

"According to Hina, she saw all the knives in place when she went to get some tea, but after she finished it one of them was gone."

"So she saw the murderer!"

"Well, she didn't tell me if she saw the murderer, but she's a witness to me being innocent! If she says I didn't get the knife, I've gotta be off the hook!"

"You're right. I'll prove you aren't the killer. I know you'd never do something like that to Sayaka."

He smiled and looked away. "T-Thanks."

Makoto then turned back to me, interest coming from his face. "So, what did you find out?"

"Quite a few things, actually.

"First things first - those numbers. I asked Chihiro about them and she didn't have a clue if they meant something."

"I wonder what they do mean though."

"Me too.

"I looked in the trash room next," I started, "and that's where I learned a lot. There's actually a gate inside and only the person on cleaning duty can get in. This week it was Hifumi, so he let me in to investigate. Once we got inside and unlocked the gate, I found some things on the ground and saw the incinerator was on."

"The killer could've reached their hand through and turned on the incinerator, couldn't they?"

"Well, it could work if your arm was about thirty feet long."

"What?" Makoto asked.

"The space between the gate and the incinerator has to be about thirty feet. It'd be impossible to turn on the incinerator from behind the gate."

"Then . . . could Hifumi have turned it on?"

I shook my head. "He said he remembers it being off when he last left it.

"Switching back to the things on the ground, they appeared to be a piece of cloth by the incinerator and a shattered glass ball that had belonged to Hiro. He said someone might've snatched it last night since he left it in the laundry room. As for the cloth, it actually looked like a button down sleeve and had blood on it."

"So the sleeve could be the killer's, but the ball? What could that have been used for?"

I shrugged. "Beats me."

Our conversation was then cut off by a familiar alarm and we both looked towards the monitor.

"Erm," Monokuma spoke, "so ah . . . I'm getting tired of waiting. What say we just get started, hm? It's time for the long-awaited. . . . Class trial!

"Now then, allow me to appoint a proper location for the proceedings. Please go through the red door on the 1st floor of the school! Puhuhu. See you soon!"

My heart pounded faster in my chest as I worriedly looked at Makoto. He looked the same as me.

"You ready?" he asked me.

I shrugged slowly and shakely. "N-Not really. B-But everything's gonna be solved . . . right. . .?" I didn't want that to be a question cause I didn't want to make him more fearful, but Makoto just looked at me with a nervous smile.

"Of course. We're gonna show everyone I'm not the killer and finally figure out who really killed Sayaka."

I smiled a little more. "Y-Yeah. Let's do this."


A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now