Chapter 2 Daily Life Part 1

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author's note

ive been writing all day. literally . . . all day. . . .

i have no life

have another update as i write feels - I MEAN HAPPY FUN TIMES GOODBYE


I woke up the next morning to the morning announcement like every other morning, but today Monokuma told us to go to the gym. I got dressed and was about to leave when a knock on my door suprised me. I opened it to see Chihiro and I gave a small smile.

"Hey Chihiro," I greeted. She nodded back and we headed off together.

"So what happened yesturday when I left?" I started a new conversation to break the silence. "Anything interesting?"

She shook her head. "N-Not really. W-We just kinda passed the blame around . . . and what not. . . ."

I looked down at her and noticed her eyes were watering. I stopped walking and grabbed her wrist gently, making her stop too.

"Huh?" she asked quietly before I pulled her into a hug.

"I know things are hard," I started, "but like I said before, I will stick by your side and continue to be your friend." I pulled away from her to see her eyes dried. "We'll make it out of here together." She smiled and nodded.

We finally got to the gym and things began, Monokuma trying to make some sort of group exercise of sorts? The only person who really went along with it was Taka, of course.

After a little, Monokuma stopped and panted a little while he sweated (how he was doing that I didn't wamt to ask).

"Ahh," he began, "doesn't this feel just great!? Being stuck inside like this, you gotta make sure to stay healthy!"

Toko began bitting her thumb. "You're the o-one keeping us "stuck inside". . . ."

"Don't sweat the small stuff! That's my motto." He then put his paws over his mouth. "Woah, I sounded pretty cool just now, don'tcha think? Did you fall in love with me? Am I just to die for? Am I just to die in writhing agony for?"

Sakura then gave him an intimidating glare. "So . . . why did you call us here? Certainly it wasn't just to make us exercise. . . ."

" "Just" to make you exercise? JUST to make you exercise!?" He raised his arms in the air. "If exercise makes you laugh, exercise will make you cry! Now, if you keep doing these exercises, you will uncover the secret of the Assassin's Fist! Passed down from generation to generation in the empire of darkness. . . . The power can be yours!"

Hifumi gripped his backpack. "That sounds like the kind of junk a middle schooler would come up with. . . ."

"It doesn't matter!" Makoto yelled after being silent for a while. "Just get to the point. Did you really call us down here just to exercise?"

Monokuma sighed loudly. "Of course not! You think I have that kind of free time on my hands!?"

"Okay, so then. . . ."

"Ahh, I'd like to make an announcement! Everytime you overcome a class trial here at Hope's Peak, a whole new world will open to you!"

"A whole new world. . .?" Hiro asked, confused just like the rest of us.

"It'd really suck if you had to live here forever with nothing new to stimulate you! Besides, I know how you kids get these days with your ADD and ADHD. I gotta keep you motivated!

" So go ahead, look around all you want! Enjoy the brave new post-trial world till you explode!" Monokuma then left without a trace like usual.

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now