Chap. 1 Class Trial Part 8

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After a little bit, Makoto made his way into the dining hall and apologized for being late.

"Hey . . ." Hina started, "are you okay, Makoto?"

"You sure took you're sweet time!" Taka yelled. "I was just about to go get you and drag you back here!"

"S-Sorry. . . ." Makoto apologized again.

"So? What happened? Was your room fixed like he said? I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!"

Mondo sighed. "Jesus, that's fucked up, man. Why would you say something like that?"

I stopped listening, well, processing everything. I heard every word, just not who spoke them and they had no significance to me. I just tried to think everything over, but it's still so hard to process. Sayaka, Junko, and now Leon? Who's gonna be next? Why are we letting this happen? Why is this person behind the scenes so insane?

I placed my head between my knees since I couldn't breath. These questions were making my head spin and making me feel sick after what I'd just seen. After a second I felt a hand on my back.

"You alright?" Chihiro asked.

I kept my head where it was and took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah, just can't think straight." There was a bit more silence between us until I sat up.

"I'm going to my room," I told her slowly.

"O-Okay," she replied. "Do you need any help or anything else?"

"No thanks. Just tell me if something interesting happens here tomorrow, okay?" I looked at her and she nodded back.

I then got up and slowly made my way towards the door, but stopped when someone noticed me.

"(yn)?" Celeste asked. "Where are you going?" I turned around to see her head was tilted slightly.

"Yes, we are in the middle of a very important conversation!" Taka added.

"H-He doesn't feel well," Chihiro stepped in. "It's probably best for him to go to his room."

Toko pointed her finger at me and gave me a look of disgust. "That's p-probably his excuse t-to go set up a t-trap or something to m-murder someone!" I thought someone would refuse her but I was wrong. I looked around at everyone and saw them give me death glares, all except Makoto and Kyoko. It doesn't really suprise me though after what we've all been through today.

"I am going to my room, Toko," I replied with my voice sounding worn down, "and if you don't believe me then I invite you to follow me." I didn't hear any response so I walked out and to my room.

I was about to lay down and sleep until the nighttime announcement came on. I tuned it out until new words caught my attention.

"Oh," Monokuma started, "and one other thing. . . . It was totally obvious before that you were trying to make yourselves feel better and justify what you did. See you, see you, don't see you, see you! That's about how much I can see you, even when you try to hide!

"Now pay attention and remember this well! The burden of judging others is a heavy one to bear. So be well aware of your actions! Order and stability rely on the sacrific and responsibility of everyone!

"Okay then . . . sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. . . ."

I sighed and turned away from the monitor. The burden of judging others. . . . I hate having to think about that, but I guess if I wanna survive here I just gotta be a bit more cautious of people.

Hopefully that helps.



*Most quotes and the main storyline belong to the creators of Danganronpa. I only take credit for your path in this fanfiction*

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