Chap. 3 Daily Life Part 4

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Makoto an I made our way to the gym, fingers laced together. I've grown used to Makoto holding my hand, and it definitely calmed me down a lot, it justs didn't feel right to do it in front of the others. I'm still really scared about them finding out that I'm gay.

Walking inside the gym, everyone else was there, including Taka, Toko and Byakuya - who was staring at us harshly.

"To be kept waiting by the likes of you," he spoke loudly. He then turned his attention to the rest of the group. "Rest assured, if we had access to firearms, you'd all be dead."

"Byakuya. . .?" Makoto questioned. "Did you get here early?"

Byakuya scoffed. "Did you forget how to walk? Is that why you're late?" He then looked at our hands and smirked. "Or were you and your boyfriend out doing something we should know about?"

I felt my entire body heat up as everyone's attention was now on us. I instantly let go of Makoto's hand and moved a little away from him.

"B-Boyfriend. . .?" Makoto seemed as shocked by this tease as was.

Celeste began to chuckle, stepping forwards to change the group's attention. "The same as always, I see," she said, looking at Byakuya. She then changed her gaze. "Her, on the other hand. . . ."

We all turned our attention to who Celeste was looking at - Toko. She glared at all of us, then grunted and turned away.

"Oh," Hiro started, "she's back to her Debbie Downer self, huh?"

Byakuya looked at her as well. "I heard what sounded like a sneeze, and she was back to her old self."

"So now she goes from manic to depressive whenever she sneezes?" Hifumi questioned in surprise. "Seems kinda late to add into the mix. . . . ."

Toko's face went red with anger. "Why does e-everyone keep making fun of me. . .?" she stuttered out. "I hope you all win the l-lottery and get hit by a b-bus. . . ."

Hina sighed and shrugged her arms. "So when you wanna say something mean, *then* you can talk, huh?"

"Anyway," Sakura stepped in. "It looks like everyone's here."

Kyoko looked up to the stage at the back of the room. "Which means. . . ."

The rest of us turned our attention to the stage and soon enough, Monokuma jumped out from behind the podium still there and sat on top of it.

"It looks like everyone's here!" Monokuma cheered. "So then, let's get started!"

Byakuya crossed his arms. "Come on, out with it. What kind of motive have you prepared for us this time?"

"Whatever you subject us to, we will not break," Sakura told him, loud and confidently.

"Yeah, that's right!" Hina agreed. "We're not gonna lose to you ever again!"

"Puhuhu. . . ." Monokuma chuckled. "You don't have to get so defensive. Calm down! I've decided to change things up a bit this time.

"Up till now," he continued, leaning forward, "I've been using the WOOSH of the North Wind to get you all moving." He then grinned widely to show off all his sharp teeth. "But sometimes you gotta use the Sun to light a fire under someone's butt! Ahh-hahaha!"

He then stood up on the podium and spread his arms wide. "So without further ado, I give you . . . THIS!" From the ceiling, 42 stacks of money dropped down and landed in front of him, making even stacks just high enough to have his head stick up over the rest of the money. "Ten million dollars! I've prepared this graduation present for whichever lucky student makes it out of here alive! Whaddya think? It's ten millions bucks! Ten million smackaroos! It's like totally wowie wow wow, am I right!?"

(Since Danganronpa takes place in Japan, I took the liberty of converting the money into yen to give us a graduation prize of 1,094,905,000 yen! That's a lot of money!!!)

Makoto was the first to speak out of the shocked silence that followed. "Ten millions dollars is. . . ."

"It's not nearly enough," Byakuya rolled his eyes at the cash, making me feel a bit safer.

"when it comes to motives," Kyoko began, "money certainly is the gold standard, so to speak. Whether it's in a mystery novel, or the real world. . . ."

"B-But. . . ." Hina stuttered out. "There's no way we'd kill each other for money!"

"She's right," Sakura agreed. "You can't simply purchase a paerson's life."

"You can say ten million or however much, I don't give a crap!" Hiro yelled nervously. "For serious!"

"Yeah . . . " Makoto spoke, "they're all right. . . . Whether it's ten million, or any amount of money. . . . No, not even just for money. From now on, no matter what you do . . . we won't kill our friends!"

"C'mon," Monokuma sighed, "stop trying to act tough. The most important thing is to live a pure and moral communal life!" He then left, leaving the stack of money where it sat.

"Th-There's nothiing to worry about," Hina started nervously, "right? Nobody would killa friend . . . for money, right?"

"Have you so quickly forgotten the lesson from last time?" Byakuya retorted. "You can't juge others by your own standard."

"Y-Yeah," Toko agreed, "there may be someone here who's having m-money problems!"

Celeste intertwind her fingers and placed them under her chin. "Personally, I've earned over one million dollars from my gambling efforts. My life is . . . comfortable."

Toko then pointed at someone. "H-Hifumi? What about y-you!?"

"I'm a super popular content creator!" he yelled back. "I don't have any problem making enough to buy my comics and DVDs!"

"Th-Th-Then. . .!"

"Just stop," Sakura ordered. "Pressing others about their personal finances is . . . ugly."

Toko was taken aback. "U-U-U-Ugly!?" she yelled back.

Byakuya chuckled. "Don't worry, Eiither way, whatever's going to happen will happen without warning. That is the nature of this game."

The nighttime announcement came on after that, bringing our attention to the time.

"It's that time already, huh. . .?" Hina asked aloud.

"Before we separate," Kyoko began before anyone decided to move, "let me remind you. . . . Starting tonight, I'll be leaving my room door open to make sure nothing happens to Alter Ego. But just because my door is open, don't assume that will make me an easy target." She then crossed her arms an glared at everyone in the room. "Or the predator may suddenly find itself the prey. . . ." She didn't sound any different, still calm and collective, but seeing the look in her eyes made everyone get her messaage.

"Okay, okay," Hiro spoke, "let's everyone just head back to our rooms! And don't think about that whole money thing! Got it! Good! Then let's break!" He then stood for a moment and began to smile. ". . .How was that? Pretty good, right Taka?" None of us even decided to turn to him, knowing Taka wouldn't make a sound. Sure enough, he didn't. ". . .Right," Hiro answered himself.

We all then left, most of us were quick to go back to our rooms (including me). The only person I could really see killing someone would be Byakuya, and he even said he didn't want the money! He's starting to scare me more and more and now I'm really starting to question when and if he really will strike or not. Once I got to my room, I didn't even have enough energy to change or even get under my covers. I just wanted to escape this nightmare of a world I'm stuck in.

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now