Chap. 1 Daily Life Part 6

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"The police?" Monokuma questioned with a chuckle. "You're putting your faith in the police!?"

"What are you doing here!?" Sakura yelled.

"You guys, seriously. . . ." he continued anyways. "Do you understand what role the police exist to fill? All they're good for is being a foil, playing against a villian or anti-hero or evil organization. The bad guys come along and destroys them, and that shows just how badass they really are. Are you guys sure you wanna rely on such an unreliable group of losers?" He seemed to roll his eyes after that. "I mean come on! If you really, REALLY wanna get out of here  all you gotta do is kill!" Hiro then began laughing after that.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Leon asked with an open mouth.

"I'm just impressed at the total commitment to this whole act," Hiro explained with a smile.

Junko gave an annoyed sigh. ". . . You're still going on about that?"

"So," Mondo started, now talking to Monokuma, "mister serial killer psycho freak bastard . . . what the hell do you want!?"

"Mr. Serialkillerpsychofreakbastard, huh?" Monokuma replied, squeezing that whole name thing Mondo made up together into a big jumble of words. "That's a pretty long name! German, maybe?" Why does he love to make light of a situation with a stupid joke or two? He just makes me more uncomfortable by the second.

"We know who you really are!" Mondo continued.

Monokuma turned his back to Mondo now. "Maybe if I ignore him," he started quietly, "he'll just go away. . . ."

"Hey! Don't ignore me, asshole!" Mondo was getting pissed now.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to business.

"Your life here has already begun and a couple days have gone by, and nobody's killing anyone!" Monokuma gave a sad sigh. "I thought all you kids were lazy and selfish, and here you are working together. But I'm totally bored!"

"There's nothing that you can say that'll make us start killing each other. . . ." Makoto retaliated.

"Wait, I think - yes!" Monokuma started jumping around excitedly. "Ding ding ding! I figured it out!

"All the mystery ingredients are here - right people, right place. So why hasn't anyone killed anyone yet?" He then began pacing in front of us. "That's what I couldn't understand. But I just realized there was one very important piece missing!"

"Wh-What are you. . .?" Makoto started to question.

"If you wanna know, I'll tell ya! It's motive!" Monokuma started to laugh. "Puhuhu! It's so simple! I just have to give everyone a motive!" I tensed up and gasped. Is this what he meant when he said something about a motive under his breath in my room? What's he gonna do? I realized then my gasp made a set of eyes lay on me. I glaced around for a second and saw Makoto staring at me, but looked away when my eyes met his.

"Motive?" Mondo questioned. "What the fuck are you talking about!?"

"Oh, by the way!" Monokuma started. "There's something I wanna show you guys!"

"Stop changing the goddamn subject!"

"I have a little video I'd like you all to see. Oh, but don't worry. It's not some pervy "adult" video or anything. Seriously, it's nothing like that! It's special for each of you, showing what's going on outside the school." Those last few words seemed to peak everyone's interest.

"Outside the school. . .?" Makoto thought out loud. "What are you talking about?"

"Heh-heh! Ooh, Master's so impatient today! Why don't you just watch it and find out? Here in the school, there's a specific place you can go that has everything you need to watch the video."

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